"You'll be going with a Shiro Yamanaka, Tozuken Nara, and myself. I've already sent those two ahead of us since time is an important factor." Kanobu put the papers in a file then into a drawer. "We need to be ready by sun down. I've got everything scheduled according the the Hokage's orders and we'll be travelling in the night as to avoid any spies within the village. I doubt we'll be followed but just in case I've set up a decoy group. Choose a disguise for yourself and meet me at the north gate, precisely 8:41 pm. I'll have silver hair and a chunin vest on. The name will be Kazuko. My demons will be in the form of genin. However, I ask that you use the name Jyugo until we leave the village. The guard has the paperwork for all of us so use this stamp to obtain the gear that's waiting for us at the gate." Kanobu gave him the stamp. "Until then!" Kanobu left the office getting ready. (WOOT WOOT CHAPTER TWO IS GUNNA BE GREAT.)