Avery spit the wood out, gathering what spit in her mouth she could and spit at the feet of one of the guards. She smiled weakly and said "A present from me to you..." She flinched and then looked into the doctors eyes for the first time. She read him like a book as he cleaned up. He hated it here. He didn't belong. This made her smirk a little. Two peas in a pod they were. Then she frowned, knowing the attack that would be coming in hours. She looked at the doctor and knew she couldn't let him die in a place he hated. She moved her leg slightly so that when he moved he would trip over it. When he did he landed right on top of her, his ear by her mouth. When he started to say sorry she said quietly "Say nothing just listen. When you hear the alarm bell ring and the first cannon hit this ship, you must come to me as fast as you can. I won't let you get hurt alright? Nod if you understand"