[h1]The Warehouse[/h1] After ten minutes of driving, the main group finally arrives at the warehouse, driving in with two trucks. Junker Squad immediately got out and walk over to the shirtless man, speaking inaudibly and privately from the group. Max walked over to the meet the Elementals. "Howdy," He greeted, tipping his hat. "We've hear a lot about you folks." He explained. "But, uhh, I gotta tell ya something. The boss ain't too happy about this." Looking over to Phil in particular. "You'll know why soon enough." He stated, more directly at Phil. After debriefing Junker Squad, the Boss immediately set off towards the group, taking his powerful strides straight to Phil and looked him over, squaring up to him. "Remember me asshole?" He said, aggressively but still he kept his voice of focus. It was the captain of the guard from Appling, the same town Will went rogue and destroyed it, beginning his reputation in the Vygorn ranks. "I'll warn you now Ripley..." He growled. "You hurt these kids, or my people, I will personally hand you over to the Vygorn filth, and let them do to you what they did to Will, I'll fucking make sure they do that." He threatened. He then stepped back a couple of times, looking over Phil again before turning to the rest of you, spreading his feet apart and putting his hands behind his back. "As for you lot," He began. "You're Elementals as I'm sure you heard, this is the Warehouse, the base of the Renegades, us. We actively fight the Vygorn, we're the resistance, you could say. We're not much but we offer that you stay here, you can practice your skills here too. However, we would also like to make another offer." The boss explained, pausing a bit before carrying on. "We... well, I want you all to join the Renegades and help our cause." He stated. "It is a choice, we are not forcing you to join us, but we would greatly appreciate it if you would so both my people and you can all work towards a common goal of destroying the Vygorn threat." He said, explaining the reasoning behind his actions. "If and when you need me, you can find me at the control console." He added before promptly leaving.