It was refreshing to have a job where the pay was individual. Shared pay always ended up making things more complicated than they needed to be. Sirka certainly liked her credits, but she wasn't stupid. Going through a mission looking for ways to betray one's allies was a good way to get killed. As for the mission itself, it was different, but definitely interesting. Fighting in caves, in tight quarters, and without blasters, seemed like it would push things far in her favor. She wasn't really concerned with how they were getting the planet, as that wasn't her job. Her stills were in ground combat, or boarding if it was needed, but someone else could handle the piloting. "So they probably won't have blasters either, at least not reliable ones? Good, that'll make my job real simple. They could be carrying slugthrowers or something; it's what I would do if I were them. Still, it would only make it a little harder. Anyway, you can count me in for this job. The pay's good, and I can do what you're asking from me." Sirka commented before glancing to a few of the others. Some of them didn't seem like they were going to be great in open combat, so she wasn't sure if all of them would be so willing to step foot on an Imperial prison colony, but she supposed they all had some sort of skills for this.