Koji's eyes followed the man's focus as he went about addressing the group as a whole, trying to gauge the man's character. Obviously he took great pride in his family name, but that sort of thing didn't really matter to Kojiro. Why put your country potentially in the middle of a war against two other nations? Money, fame, honor, or bloodlust? Shaking his head in an attempt to look past the uncertainty, the armored warrior would lift himself from the wall as he merely bowed his head out of repsect. For a moment, he paused. "Katakura," he offered, attempting to remember the name he'd written down on his application (That's what's on the contract IC). Ever since his venture to this new nation, Koji had done his best to separate himself from his family name. Though mostly an isolated nation, he did not want his name to haunt him in his travels. It was for this reason he had assumed over a dozen aliases, settling down in this kingdom as a bounty hunter and mercenary under the guise of Katakura. It was only after making his introduction that his eyes fell upon the bandaged man. How he had not noticed the man before, he'd never know, but now his eyes would narrow obviously in the direction of the figure. Having dealt with several... Less then upstanding individuals- nothing about this sat right with him. Still, he'd bide his time in silence as he now looked about the room, awaiting the others to offer their own greetings as he milled over his own thoughts. "Should've asked for more," He muttered to himself as he couldn't help but grin. Oh how the mighty have fallen, once waited on hand and foot to acting the part of a common sellsword. If this was the path set before him by the Lord Dragon, so be it.