Inside the Holy Temple of Yēsū Jīdū the First, Yēsū Jīdū XV prays to the statue of his ancestor, asking for his blessing and his guidance, for he is no longer in his original World, he is now stuck in a place that is unknown to his people, and that can be filled with the Demons of Satan. In the corner of the Room, a picture of Yēsū Jīdū the First chopping the head off the Dragon Beast known as Satan is there. "Oh Great Ancestor, Savour of The People of China, I ask you for your guidance in this situation." Yēsū Jīdū XV prayed. Outside the Temple, over a thousand people where outside of the Holy Temple, for there Daily Mass. Today was Sunday, the day of Rest, so everyone was there in there casual clothing. As Yēsū Jīdū XV listened, he heard the classic prayers they all said at the Temple. "For Oh Great Holy One, We Pray For Your Guidance At Any Time We Are Lost As You Are The Lantern To Light The Way, We Are Blessed By God For Him Choosing To Bring You To China All Those Years Ago, Amen." Yēsū Jīdū XV smiled, he was in the Place of His Greatest Ancestor, and Under Him, the Tomb of all the Past Emperors of the Jīdū dynasty. This was where Yēsū Jīdū XV felt the strongest, with the spirits of his ancestors with him in this area, he felt like a true Emperor, like his ancestor was truly sent by God To Rule and Redeem Everyone. [b][i]Later That Day, Royal Palace of Beijing[/i][/b] "Oh great Yēsū Jīdū XV, I come with two messages, one from a man named Hannibal, and another from an unknown source. The One from Hannibal is a warning stating that he is not afraid for war, which seems like he is already underestimating us, and we have no contact with him. The Other is a Message from the One who sent us here, saying that in do time, we will find out who he is, and that he could be a God, an Alien, or a normal Human." a royal advisor said to Yēsū Jīdū XV Yēsū Jīdū XV frowns, "I suspect the Work of Satan himself with this." he says, "No Creature that has the Blessing of God would be this cruel to any other living thing, the only thing that would do this is Satan." The Royal Advisor nodded in agreement, "Sir." he said, "Should I send out a message." Yēsū Jīdū XV said yes, telling him what to send out. [hider=For Everyone] Greetings, I am Yēsū Jīdū XV, Emperor of Jīdū, descendant of Yēsū Jīdū, and I am here with a message. We are trapped here it seems, just from what the message that Unknown Creature sent his saying why we are here, and I offer all of you a possible agreement. We may not know each other, but it seems like we must form an Alliance to even have a chance to get out. Everyone, except Hannibal, who already showed he was not worth being an Ally, will be able to accept or decline this offer. That is not the only reason I would like to message all of you though, I am also here to ask you all one question, what God do you follow, or do you even believe in one. That is all, Goodbye. [/hider]