[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZKQbRu2.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][color=ed1c24]"Whenever humanity needs its heroes, the riders will rise once more and fight."[/color][/b][/center] [b][color=fff200]The Story[/color][/b] A long time ago, Kamen Riders, guardians of mankind and protectors of people fought a terrible war against Shocker, a terrorist organization who seeked to rule over the world, as their soberans, along with many foes our masked heroes had faced in the past, this long combat was known only as "The Great War". It took 3 months, three long months of battle and losses, but in the end, in a desperate move, the riders sealed their foes by sacrificing their own powers. Nothing could break that powerful seal...or so they thought. 100 years in the future, an unknown force started breaking the seal and the monsters started coming out and a new organization known only as Mirai Shocker has been born. The group has brought terror the heart of many people, hope was apparently lost, but then they came back. The same powers used to seal Shocker, with the seal being broken were now back, however the old warriors are long one, or unable to fight. It is up for a new generation to take hold of the power of the riders, defeat Mirai Shocker and become true heroes! [b][color=fff200]Character Creation[/color][/b] Here's the character sheet, pretty basic [b]Name:[/b] Everyone need a name, of course [b]Rider Name:[/b] You can be either the successor of an already existing rider, such as Decade, Kiva, OOO, etc or a whole new Rider, so choose your name here. [b]Age:[/b] Self-explanatory [b]Sex:[/b] Self-explanatory [b]Transformation Device:[/b] If you're an already existing rider, put the name of your belt here, if you're an original, you can either inherit a belt, or make your own(you still need to use past riders sources of power though) [b]Origin of Powers:[/b] From what Kamen Rider show your powers come from? [b]Abilities:[/b] Abilities from your character as a person and his rider powers. [b]Forms:[/b] If you have more than one, post it here. [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture or description should be fine [b]Personality:[/b] How does your character act towards other people? [b]Background:[/b] A brief story of your character's life and how he/sge became a rider. (You also have the option to make them transform for the first time during the roleplay.) [b][color=fff200]The Rules[/color][/b] These rules are pretty simple so I'd like you to follow them. 1-Respect the other members. 2-Avoid conflicts and drama OOC. 3-If you have a doubt, ask right away, don't do anything without being sure. 4-No overpowered characters. 5-Post your CS in the OOC and wait for approval. Other than that [b][color=ed1c24]ANY[/color][color=39b54a]THING[/color] [color=fff200]GOES![/color][/b] [b][color=ed1c24]Not accepting new members anymore, I'm sorry.[/color][/b]