[quote=@The Muse of Eru] [@Guess Who] I've been kind of put out. I put quite a bit of effort into carrying things forward and placing a few people in positions of action and it's just... nada. chat's dead, people say they'll post but don't, etc. I'm basically RPing with myself, except Urukhai's response, and so I haven't felt compelled to sit down and type out anything besides, "and Dracul kills Valerie" or similar simple stuff. My plans were mostly to get people moving, TBH - any plot changes are pretty much able to change on a whim, except killing the stalled-out PCs (unless someone wants to steal those characters for whatever reason). Plus, even without the ammo of drama, some character development could still have taken place, and I'd really like to not have to pull teeth to get people posting. =P So I've been a bit discouraged and stumped. That, and I've been working ~12 hour shifts at the hospital, so when I come home I'm pretty much melting into a puddle after dinner and shower. [/quote] Alright, couldn't get past the writer's block yesterday. Hopefully today will be different, but I'm visiting my dad so it might be difficult to get to a computer.