Animatronic Name & Victim Name: Foxy (Russell Herring) [img][/img] Sex: Male Class: Regular Powers: -Great Vision: Can see in the dark, and can see past any disguises. -Superior Fighting Skills: He can expertly fight using guns, hook, and his cutlass (keeping up with the pirate theme), -Psychic Link: Accidental result of the Bite of '87. This psychic link allows him to pick up his victim's small thoughts and emotions (at the least). If Foxy focused, he could try and probe his victim's mind for any specific thoughts or emotions he could use. This psychic link can allow Foxy to even try and possess his victim, but it takes a lot of energy and renders him unconscious. Another downside to this Psychic Link is that his victim could also try and use these same abilities if she figured out how, while he was using the Psychic Link. Personality: Generally calm and suave, and sees his doings as an animatronic as mercy killings. Can be a bit flirtatious if he's dealing with a woman. However, he becomes merciless and silent when angered. Fiercely loyal and determined. History: Russell was once an imaginative, exuberant, creative, and somewhat mischievous child. He always liked to come up with stories, and they usually involved pirates. He often wrote stories and drew pictures in his spare time as he got older, and dreamed of becoming an author. He made a lot of friends when he was alive. Unfortunately, he met his demise when he was lured to the back with his friends, by a man wearing a Golden Freddy suit. He had thought that they were going to get something nice like cake, or presents, but instead, they were attacked. Russell tried to fight off the attacker, and let the other five children escape. But things didn't go as he hoped. He was the first to be killed, and he couldn't do anything as the attacker killed the other five children. The last thing he heard was "IT'S ME..." Russell was hidden away and left to rot along with the other children. After he was turned into the human animatronic of Foxy, he ended up picking up on strange thoughts and emotions that weren't his own. He learned that those thoughts belonged to a girl, who was bitten by the original Foxy animatronic, and lost her frontal lobe. For his entertainment, during the stay in the pizzeria (when he wasn't trying to kill the night guard), he kept his attention on the thoughts and emotions of this girl. At some points, he tried to encourage the girl to get back at the bullies that tormented her. However, she didn't go through with those suggestions. Eventually, the thoughts and emotions soon stopped coming to him, and in its place was a song two voices sang together. The song was annoying to him but he got the message: She was keeping him out of her mind. He was surprised to see that she was a night guard in the pizzeria, but he still tried to get to her and stuff her in a suit. She managed to avoid him and the other animatronics. In 1996, he broke free from the bond to the animatronic itself, and he left the pizzeria with the others, and wreaked havoc on the city. He soon found the girl with a boy. He attacked the both of them, and he aimed to take her life, but instead, the boy sacrificed himself instead. He soon had to flee when the night guard division came. The nights of causing chaos and havoc continued, until he was soon confronted by the same girl...this time, she was wearing the night guard division uniform, and was holding the weapons they used. The two of them fought, but he fled once again. He realized that if he managed to probe her thoughts, then the animatronics would have a huge upper hand over the Night Guard Division. But she was still singing that stupid song, which acted as an irritating mental barrier. Ever since that night, when he wasn't causing havoc, he focuses on trying to find a way past that barrier. Other: [url=]Voice[/url] [url=]Theme Song: Open Up[/url]