Guinevere’s chocolate brown eyes slowly flickered open as rays of sunlight touched her face. Morning had finally come. Yawning, she rose from bed and rubbed her tired eyes. Yesterday had been quite a long day, her back still ached from the long hours of punishment for ‘accidentally’ letting all the chickens go running wild throughout town. It wasn’t her fault she had fell on the chicken gate while dueling an opponent. Warriors went with the flow, even if the flow meant chickens everywhere by your feet. Apparently the town didn’t appreciate Guinevere’s ‘go by the flow’ attitude. Well, they’d certainly have to get used to it someday. She smirked in amusement. Sifting through her clothes, it was only mere moments before she picked out her outfit for the day. Constantly sword fighting, Guinevere spent most of the time in her armor and had very few casual clothing. If it was her choice, she’d wear her armor everywhere, but that would come with constant looks of disapproval from the town. She shrugged her shoulders and threw on a simple blue and brown [url=]dress[/url] and slipped into brown boats. It wasn’t anything too formal, for corsets were where she drawled the line. Guinevere could never understand why girls practically choked themselves to look presentable. Rolling her eyes, she left her bedroom for a delicious, fulfilling breakfast, not even trying to comb her hair. Curly like it was, it didn’t even require the effort. Plus, Guinevere didn’t like to spend much time on herself. It was such a waste of time and energy. A mouthwatering scent filled Guinevere’s nose as she squatted at the family table. [i][color=bc8dbf]Yumm![/color][/i] It wasn’t long before Guinevere’s mother placed fresh, warm eggs on her plate as well as poured her a glass of water. One bite sent her taste buds dancing and begging for more. As her mother took a seat beside her, Guinevere wondered where her father, the town’s mayor, was at. [color=bc8dbf]“Mother, where’s father this morning? Is something wrong?”[/color] She asked her mother, slightly concerned. There was probably nothing wrong, but it was always best to be prepared. “He’s outside speaking with the ranger. Don’t both-,” Her mother started but couldn’t finish for Guinevere had already bolted outside. What was so important that her father and the ranger had to speak before breakfast? She had to know! Like her mother said, the ranger and her father were conversing just outside the house. A slight smile curled on Guinevere’s lips as she saw her gigantic father tower over the ranger. No he wasn’t obese, but just extremely muscular. It was something she loved about her father, how strong and yet still agile he was. Guinevere pecked a kiss on her father’s cheek as she walked up beside them. [color=bc8dbf]“Good morning father and Farrest, how are you? What brings you here so early in the morning?” [/color]She asked curiously. It was then she noticed the ranger had unfasted his lassoes. She raised her eyebrow and glanced around, catching sight of something extraordinary. A deer, at least she thought it was a deer, the color of a bright yellow, was devouring on some sunflowers. Guinevere gasped and went to pull out her sword but remembered it was inside along with her armor. [color=bc8dbf]“Father… What is that?”[/color] She wanted to take a step closer but waited for her father to explain.