Undasis' form remained as nothing but a blue wisp of uncertain liquid, but she saw as sharply as an eagle; there were others like herself here. Until the one named Kraken appeared she had no such sense of any life besides her own and the two Great Ones who tortured her without explanation, but now it was as if her eyes had been opened. Perhaps it was the pain that awoke her vision, or maybe it was Kraken, or possibly that she only just now had the focus and time to observe anything but her own horror. Nonetheless, the awakening had left her with much doubt but at least one comfort: she was not alone with whatever that beast...that [i]thing[/i]...inside her really was. Like a child afraid of the dark, she feared nothing more than being alone with the monster in the closet or, in this case, the monster inside her own soul. But that fleeting comfort dwindled to less than nothing when she truly gazed into the spirits of those around her: First she was drawn to the Cold One: Svieand. He chose to stay as a mist almost like her own, and stared out to his siblings as Undasis now did. He was cold, alone like she once was before the Kraken merged into her spirit. Much time passed while she gazed with curiosity at this creature so much like herself, and he began to transform- the mist suddenly swirled and moved as if to the beat of an unheard drum, and he slowly took a shape like all the others that hung almost motionless in the void. Seeing his new but ever-cold being, she wondered what would happen if she reached out towards him... [color=f26522][i]Don't. He is ice; he is danger. If we draw near him as we are now, his coldness will freeze us to our core.[/i][/color] The Kraken's voice shook through her mind. She should have known better than to hope the demon was in slumber, she felt deep-down that he would never truly leave her. Now she glanced over at the Temporal One: he had taken shape before any of them, and she could feel the strings of time gathering and twisting before his eyes and at his feet. He seemed more prepared than the others. Even more so, she felt a sort of providence in him: a desire to lead them all into a greater, better tomorrow. [color=f26522][i]Don't trust this one, either. In arrogance, he thinks he can force us into his idea of the perfect timeline; a world in which we never achieve our greatest potential. I will never allow him to do so.[/i][/color] She felt a chill run down her spine at the sight of Vestec, the Chaotic One: he was everything she feared the most. He ruled over the myriad of souls within him like a tyrant. She had a sudden, terrible vision of Kraken ruling over her in the same manner...finding herself unable to act or think on her own, just an accessory to the beast. Kraken, on the other hand, seemed greatly amused at the sight of Vestec. [i][color=f26522]Would you like me to rule over you as they do? To command with a fist of fear and chaos? Haha...don't worry. This one only wants to play and laugh at his own pointless cruelty, he is naught but a child. He is beneath being noted as more than a nuisance. He is not part of our destiny[/color][/i] Escre intrigued both the Woman and the Kraken more than any of their brethren. It held such a strong connection to spirits...she had to wonder what Escre saw upon looking at Undasis. Did it see a soul inflicted with a beast? Two souls intertwined? A soul on top of another soul, like a soul sandwich? [i][color=f26522]One soul broken into two.[/color][/i] There was also Astarte, the One of Ranges: Undasis was confused by this one, she seemed so joyous over nothing. [i][color=00aeef]We have no lives yet. We are floating here in a world of nothing, doing nothing, knowing nothing, creating nothing...yet this one is happy? Why?[/color][/i] For once, Kraken didn't have anything to answer. The Knowledgeable One: Arguis seemed to be both disinterested and tremendously intelligent- two factors that Undasis doubted came together very often. But putting that aside, he obviously knew something about everything. Perhaps he could tell her a bit about herself? Or, at the very least, about the Kraken. [i][color=f26522]And what would you ask him that I haven't already told you? I am simply another part of you. You represent peace, serenity, and love. I represent chaos, ambition, and desire. We are both two sides to the same coin, so to speak. I cannot tell you why we are how we are, just that we have always been this way, just as Arguis has always been knowledgeable, Vowzra has always known time, and Sveiand has always been cold. It is our destiny. We are become division, the creator and the destroyer[/color][/i] Undasis considered this for a moment, but her eyes were too soon caught by something miraculous. The Orb. She had been so concerned with watching her siblings and listening to the dark voice of her inner-Kraken, that she was taken completely aback when she felt the orb suddenly burst into existence. It was...wonderful, it was like a wave of glorious creation suddenly washing over her. Even Kraken was left speechless by it's presence. The mysterious Orb traveled from Vowzra, the Time God, to Arguis, God of Knowledge, to Escre of the Spirits, to the joyous Astarte of Summoning, to the Chaotic Vestec, to the untouchable Cold One named Svieand... Kraken was inpatient for the Orb to come to him, to make his implant his essence forever on the universe. The Woman, on the other hand, was anxious to the point of shaking. All these other gods knew their purpose, their destiny. This Kraken spoke of destiny, but never spoke of what power they were meant to wield. They hadn't even taken a form yet; she was still nothing more than an ambiguous bit of liquid in a void. Then it happened: the Orb turned towards Undasis. It began to move towards them slowly but with purpose, as if it was part of that vague [i]destiny[/i] Kraken kept speaking of. The Woman wanted to run. She was meant to offer something to the Orb, but how could she? She had nothing to offer, nothing to give other than a monster inside her. The Kraken, however, wouldn't let her retreat. She found herself unable to move away. [i][color=f26522]No. We are not running. We may fail, but we will [b]never[/b] run.[/color][/i] At that moment the Kraken seized control. Her mysterious clear-blue liquid shape begin to move for the Orb against her will. She was forced to watch as a purple, clawed hand- presumably belonging to the Kraken- reached out from from within her pool of a body and pressed itself against the Orb... --- Water. For the first time, Undasis understood [i]water[/i]. Images began to flicker to through her- no, their- mind as the Kraken tightened his steel grip on the Orb: [color=f26522]They saw waves crashing against the rocky seaside cliffs[/color] [color=00aeef]They saw fish, eels, and even stranger creatures gliding through the water[/color] [color=f26522]They saw a tsunami effortlessly wipe it's way from the ocean to the land[/color] [color=00aeef]They saw an woman rinse her injured arm in cool waters of the sea[/color] [color=f26522]They saw the sea rise up and swallow the world...[/color] Their body began to change shape: instead of a simple blue sphere, they were twisted and redefined into a [url=https://pmcvariety.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/6a00d8341bfc7553ef016305c7475a970d-pi.jpg]new shape[/url] that was neither the Woman nor the Kraken, but was instead a perfect fusion both into one. At this moment both sides of Undasis had become one soul, one body, and one mind- there was no longer [i]any[/i] difference between Kraken and Woman- and they understood what their purpose was. They were together the God of the Sea, an incarnation of both the [color=f26522]force[/color] and [color=00aeef]serenity[/color] of water. Undasis did not want to let go of the Orb that had united them and revealed their purpose, but the Orb was too powerful for them. If they held it any longer, they would drown in it. So reluctantly they released their grip and the Orb floated on to another deity, leaving nothing but a dark blue string in their palm. At the moment the it drifted off they felt their temporary unison began to crumble. It became evident that soon they would no longer be a perfect combination of Kraken and Woman of the Waters. The new Undasis looked towards Vestec and Astarte: [color=cyan]"We would as well...it's a shame it must be let go"[/color] The Kraken and The Woman of the Waters thought and spoke in perfect unison. As the next deity touched the Orb, the bond between Kraken and Woman broke entirely. They were once more two sides of the same coin, but now they knew their purpose. They are, together, the God of Oceans. [hider=Mighty Summary] 1 Might at the start 1 Might put into the orb by Undasis to add Division/Duality and Water to the universe 0 Might remaining [/hider]