Vata tried to stay as still as he possibly could through the shivers when Xavier placed his hand on his shoulder. A moment later, Xavier seemed to concentrate on deeply on Vata, and then he felt [i]something[/i]. It felt much like he did when Shaping, but there was something unfamiliar about it. The feeling vanished an instant later, and was replaced by a blessed feeling of warmth. Assuming this wasn't just his body being fooled somehow, perhaps he wouldn't spend his last moments freezing to death. Xavier removed his hand from Vata's shoulder, and Vata quickly gave him a surprised glance. [i]What did he just do to me?[/i] He quickly pushed the thought to the side, answers could come later, once they were in somewhere safe, and hopefully warm. "Much appreciated, Xavier. Now that I probably won't be freezing to death anytime soon, could you lead me to this friend of yours?"