[b]Chapter 1 of 3: Goons,Thugs,and Supervillains[/b] The date is June 4th,2017 in the city of Golden Coast,California. It has been two months since the city hall bombing and the mass villain break-out. Today can be considered like many days in this unforgiving environment a normal day in the life of G.C.P.D and N.A.I.L units in the city which is Hell like. However something is happening in the city something cynical in nature that could tear the whole city and country in fear..... But as of now the usual business is happening which is pesky villains causing trouble. Which the law enforcement of the city have to deal with on a daily schedule. A villain has made their presence know and needs to be taken care of. [b]Golden Coast Bank [/b] As usually the banks since the outbreak have been heavily protected by private security guards patrolling the perimeter and making sure nothing is suspicious. This has discouraged many would be robbers to not even think about robbing the bank due to the high security but not all. As the two guards near the door with simple 9mm pistols were sitting in the chairs looking dull the automated door opened and in rolled in two grenade like objects. Before the guards could react the devices let out a loud bang followed by a light that was blinding. The guards both fell in pain with their hands over their eyes. Then entered a man in a black suit with a very bright,white,luminous, lighting strike going across the suit and a utility belt with all sorts of grenade like gadgets dotting it he also wore goggles. He entered casually as the teller pressed a button to call other guards and law enforcement. As he got close to the teller a door opened on his left side with three more guards running out. "Please!" The man said as he pulled out two small devices and threw them at the guards. As soon as they hit the ground a bright flash went out and again they all fell. The man was now at the desk,"I know you called them so hurry up and open the vault before you end up like them over their." "Y..Yea alright follow me." The terrified teller says leading it the back of the bank. " Who...who are you." The teller says cautiously. The man grinned,"Call me Flash Bang. Now hurry up and open it."