[hider=Mariah Amor] [centre][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b1/48/dc/b148dc1115d98ed24a50faddead52b31.jpg[/img] [h2][color=92278f]Mariah Amor[/color][/h2] [i]Other than the large bosom, she looks like the picture. She has green eyes and soft brown hair. Her skin is silky smooth and she has never known a day of work.[/i] [hider=Half Snake Half Woman] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs12/i/2006/290/5/3/Snake_Spirit_by_Lomelindi88.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/centre] [h3][color=92278f]Generic Information[/color][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Mariah Amor [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Height:[/b] 5'5 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Hetero (but might be swayed to bi) [h3][color=92278f]Psych Profile[/color][/h3] [b]Traits[/b] [list] [*] [u]Polite[/u] - Mariah has grown up in high society and it has been expected of her to be polite to all that she encounters. [*] [u]Kind[/u] - She can be every kind, sometimes over bairingly so, this causes some to get angry at her but she simply forgives them (though she is often hurt by this). They later apologize to her, seeing that they hurt her feelings. [*] [u]Clever[/u] - Mariah has never been one to make a uninformed choice. She weighs the good and the bad and goes from there. [*] [u]Snake abilities[/u] - She has a venomous bite, can move fast and can squeeze the life out of her victims. She is an effective killer. [/list] [b]Flaws[/b] [list] [*] [u]Naive[/u] - Sometimes you wonder if she is truly not all there or if she is faking it. Truthfully she is willingly naive, as she rather not believe some of the thing she hears. Plus she heard that men like "dumb" girls. [*] [u]Easily Hurt[/u] - Mariah's feelings can be easily hurt, but then it is kind of expected with her being a sheltered high society brat. She expects everyone to show her respect, but she is finding thats just not the case. [*] [u]Cold Intolerance[/u] - After being turned into a monster (being half snake) she has become intolerant of the cold. If she becomes chilled she slows down and gets sleepy. If she gets too cold she will die. [*] [u]Addicted to Power[/u] - She is finding it hard not becoming addicted to the power of the change. She hopes that she can withhold from losing herself, though her hopes are dwindling. [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] Mariah was born to a wealthy old money family, who had been in business since the invention of the clockworks. She has known nothing but an easy, leisurely kind of life. She is the second youngest child of Sir Ronald Amor and Lady Vivian Amor, she has six siblings all together. She is the only girl out of the seven children and this has earned her much protection from her older brothers. Her brothers always gave her what she wanted even before she ever asked for it. She was viewed as a brat by some and totally loved by others, though for either one of those two groups she was polite to. Which made some believe that she was faking her kindness, for some maybe, but for the most part she is truly being kind. Mariah truly believed growing up that everyone loved her and that she was a breath of fresh air when someone was feeling down. But then that's how her brothers acted around her, either to please her and have her leave quickly or they really did feel better around her, she will never know. As she grew older and into her feminine body, she began to catch the eyes of men everywhere. It didn't matter how old or young they were, they all found her beautiful and wished to take her as their bride. Mariah found this rather quite fun, as she had them all wrapped her little finger, just like her brothers. But she wanted someone worth noting, someone that would be the envy of all who saw them together. Sure there were some like that, but they didn't have the grandeur she was looking for. That was when she got invitation to Lord Nixus's Masquerade. She was beyond words in her excitement and couldn't wait to go to the party. Her eldest brother was a little worried about her going to the masque alone, but she quickly put his fears to rest. Upon arrival to the château she was in awe, but she came here on a mission. She was going to somehow catch the eye of Lord Nixus and hopefully make a good impression. But she was quickly disappointed as the Lord was no where to be found. She mingled with the guests that seemed to be from all over the kingdom, it was rather nice to see new faces. That was when a servant girl tapped her on the shoulder and told her that Lord Nixus wished to see her. At the time she was truly honored to meet him, but that was quickly dashed when he placed his brand on her. She is now horrified with what she has become or at least turn into. She can't fight her masters callings and she does what he asks her without much complaint. Though she wishes to be free of the curse and to go home and live a normal life. [b]Character Motivation:[/b] To find a cure for the curse and to live a normal life. But she feels herself becoming addicted to the power of the change, she just hopes they can find that cure in time before she is no longer herself. [b]Opinion Of Others:[/b] [hider=My Hider] Gwendolyn Argall - "A nice girl, one I don't mind getting to know. I do find her like of the occult to be kind of disturbing, but other then that she is nice. Edwyn Trethclyde - Charming I guess, but I know when he is being rude to me. I may put on a naive exterior, but I know when I am being mocked. I know he is finding being an abomination fun and entertaining, because of this I don't like being around him. Lizbeth D'Veaux - A pretty little thing but other than that, I know little about her. Linta Höhyener - Oh Linta, the young woman who rather act like a man? I never really gotten to know her, but then she never let's people in. She can be cold, but I know she is falling apart. She is becoming addicted to the change like me. I hope we find a cure. Kipling Baye - oh what to say about the flamboyant peacock? Seriously, you had to have seen his costume at the masque? He is..... oh I don't know. Wait I know, he is a bastards son who has no manners and if Lord Nixus would let me bite him I could end his sorry existence. But alas the master won't let me sink my venomous fangs into him. I will still be polite to him, but on the inside I rather die. Goram Dorr - Never met him before all this, I really wish I had though. He seems like a really nice person and one that I would like to know better. To bad he hasn't said anything to me yet, maybe I will have to be the one to break the ice first. Tellion Velkfur - A well known family for their clothing empire. They do make nice clothes..... Anyway, for the young man himself? He's not bad, seems sad though at times but we all have a reason to be sad now (there are those us that like being this namely Edwyn). Maybe once we find a cure for the curse he will be happy, I truly wish happiness for him. Elia Louisa Reinhardt - What to say about Elia, she can be a nice person if she had some practice at it. Spending all her time in books and machinery has dulled her ability to make polite conversation. I know her opinion of me is low, but I do truly hope we can be friends. As heavens knows she could use one. Over all once that hard shell is broken she can be very nice. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]