[center][h2]Damian Gerard|Mount Hakobe, outside Hemlock's cave[/h2][/center] Damian stood silently as Hemlock spoke, listening to everything the dragon said.[color=Navy]“Thank you for all your efforts. And all your kind words. I believe we will all meet again someday.”[/color] As Hemlock spoke, Damian [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Loi4bYzXvAw]thrust his hand into the air[/url] one last time, even as the dragon's body began to glow. [color=FireBrick]"You are a member of Phoenix Wing. When you laugh, we laugh. When you are angry, we share your rage. And when you cry, we share in your sorrow. That is what it means to be in a guild, to be a member of Phoenix Wing."[/color] Zero took a step back from the glowing dragon, clearly surprised. Hemlock managed some semblance of a smile at Damian's words. [color=Navy]“But for now, this is goodbye.”[/color] There was a bright flash and when it faded, Hemlock was gone. Damian held his hand high, as tears once more fell down his face. [color=Firebrick]"We will remember you, Hemlock. And we will carry on your legacy, until the day death comes for us in turn."[/color] As Damian lowered his hand and took Mithera, his eyes still misty, Zero walked up to him and introduced himself again, this time as Zenoram. [color=FireBrick]"I-uh-right, well, pleasure to meet you as well."[/color] The young man runs into the cave and Damian reflects on the dragon's words to him before he'd walked away. [color=Navy][i]"Don't let yourself be led astray by the what ifs, should haves and if only's. You cannot live in the past, nor the future. Only the present. And from what I've seen, you're doing a good job of living right now."[/i][/color] Damian gave one last smile and stepped in front of the group, summoning a more ordinate Ares Blade than the one that sat in the guild hall. [color=FireBrick]"Here rests the Dragon Hemlock, who stood in this very spot to give his final farewells to his sons and his companions. May this blade forever mark the resting place a creature who was a better man than I will ever be."[/color] Zero walked out in time to see Damian plunge the blade into the snow, a bright orange light shooting up as it grew a bit more. When it was done, the words "Rest in Peace, Hemlock" were on the blade and it would now sustain itself. [color=FireBrick]"Alright, I'm ready when you are."[/color] [center][h2]Jack Goran|Train to Shirotsume Town[/h2][/center] Jack weighed the words spoken by Shujin carefully before replying, hearing Jackie out as well. Nodding towards her, he stands and leads them both to another car and points out a group of young wizards, bearing a guild mark that they probably thought belonged in a history book. [color=Turquoise]"You see those four wizards? They are from the reincarnation of the guild Lamia Scale. Despite everything history says about the wizards within those guilds, they were not evil people who helped the Dragon Slayers realize their true nature. This simply isn't true and those wizards fight every day to prove just that. The wizards of the guilds Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and Fairy Tail were all good people. They fought not for their own personal gain, but for their friends and those they called family."[/color] He turned back to the pair who wished to join his guild. [color=Turquoise]"When I created Dragon Fang, it was to recreate that sense of camaraderie, of family. I will not turn my back on those who wish to experience that sense themselves. I would welcome you, Shujin and Jackie. I look forward to seeing you daily."[/color] He smiled at the pair, the kind of smile that you know is genuine and from the heart. This man really did care, even if he had some odd ways of showing it.