Hi there everyone i'm Henwen and I'm here to stay. People of chat made me feel really welcome with the waggon, so i'm looking forward to calling this my new RP home. I'm fairly well versed in Play By Post rolepays. I tend to not really play in the now but prefer either the farout future or the farout past. Fantasy, Scifi, Steampunk you name it i'm game to play. I'll go as recent as speakeasies and Noir-esk style past, because what's not to like there. I love fantasy, although i'm totally over both vampires and werewolves. They've been done to death guys really, and there are a lot more creatures to choose from honestly. Gimme pirates, rebles, Space pirates and Space rebles. I love Dnd and am sad to admit i've never played a full campain in my life. Life tends to get in the way and i've yet to find a group that can stick it through. Doesn't stop me from trying tho. I've got plans and plots, and characters out my ears. I'm dying to get back into the rp fray. The creative gears may be a little rusty but they will turn and I'm always up for world building, story crafting, and character drama with angst ala'mode. From all i've seen so far, i'm really gonna groove with this community! I can't wait to get started so shoot me a line or two!