The massive ram pounding against the old gates of the elven kingdom kept on its thundering as Draxis and his men rode forth towards the ram, passing more of the BoneStitchers who knit together the flesh of the fallen elves and created more Abominations of hatred and evil. Jagged bones jutted from the shoulders and limbs of risen elf warriors who were not selected to be part of the great creations for one reason or another, these mindless shells lumbering forward to aid with the attack on the gate, using their might to drive the ram harder against the fortifications. “Soon young dark elf, we will be bathing in the blood of your fallen enemies and you will get to enjoy your victory, as I mach my forces towards the human capitals.” He spoke to her as a large crack could be heard and the screech of bending metal, the gateways were about to collapse under the constant force that the ram implemented. Scores of undead clamored over the ram and the bodies hefting it into the gate, when suddenly a great horn blast sounded and the gates collapsed. In mere seconds the portcullis was torn up and lifted by several of the larger, more physically capable lumbering hulks, being held by their massive shoulders as the hordes of undead flooded into the city streets of the elven capital. Blood curdling screams and cries of small children could be heard and then were silenced just as fast by the gnashing of teeth and claw. All forms of undead beasts crashed like a powerful wave into the buildings and homes of the cramped elven city. As this happened, the Dethsworn and Draxis himself plodded along on his skeletal mount into the city as the pounding footsteps of the flesh giants could be heard approaching. The legion was in blood frenzy, killing and devouring everything in sight, making even the soldiers that the elves had sent to stop the tide look like children holding sticks to a bear. “The elves may have their magic, Villith, but we have our numbers and ferocity. The arcane cannot control the darkness nor can it drive us back, we only fear the light and those of the holy order of Paladins.” He spoke as he cut down a soldier who tried to lunge at him with a spear. As the elf was slain, the mouth on the side of his blade opened up and drank in the bluish mists that seeped from the elf’s body, trapping it within his blade and revitalizing him further. And as this happened, the elf looked as though all of its years were stolen and simply withered into dust. “My power is not to be trifled with nor is it to be mocked. These elves sought to use their magics and their god’s might to bring us to ruin in the last one hundred years, but they did not know the true might that was Lord Draxis Felwind. They thought to kill me and rid the world of my evil, but they knew not how to accomplish this feat as they knew little of me, and for that they will pay the price, for I know much of them and their ways and their weaknesses.” Draxis was sure that this would be an easy victory, but the fact that he had taken the elves nearly unaware was even sweeter of a victory. “Not even Arman sent soldiers to defend his allies, how foolish to think he could protect his own people when his greatest allies could be taken surprise and torn asunder in such a short time.”