Luce smiled some as she got her scroll and nodded. She listened to him before she said she was ready and started to plan something for her to get into the temple first, of course the temple masters had seen her before with Shadow and knew she was a 'villain' and that would make it hard, just like causing fighting between the five yet she felt like she could make it work.. Once she got the trust of the masters she could do what she needed to do. She smiled again as she knew this was a pretty important but also hard task, not the the other tasks were not hard or important, but facing the enemy and acting like you wanted to become one of them, was very hard and he trusted her with that. ''I'll pack my bag and then I am ready'' she said as he asked if they were ready for the mission and even before the other could answer she walked of, back to her own room where she took the backpack she always used on trips and took a few skirts, tops, stockings and gloves, long and short. She looked around and smiled some, she then sat down on the bed and took a piece of paper and wrote down the way she made tea and always drew it out, not that she thought he was stupid but just so he could also show his little sister if she was getting curious again. Next to that, and that would be the hardest thing to give, was a small 'If I fail' letter which she had written a few times so she wouldn't have to write it every time she got a mission. In the small letter stood that she hoped he could forgive her for failing and that she hoped he wanted to get her body to the place where her mother was buried, a small grassland with three big cherry blossom trees. And that she hoped he would reach that what he wanted in life, she had ended the small and hard letter with: With all the love in the world, your Luce. Not just because she had a crush on him but also because he taught her that the shortcut her mother always used didn't have to hurt to listen too but would give more happy memory's. Everything together, she was back in fifteen minutes with her bag packet and she looked at him, everyone had left to get their own stuff and she smiled. ''Thank you, for such a important mission'' she said and smiled. ''I have two little things for you..'' she said and laid down the two folded papers. ''The standard What if I fail letter.. Not that I am planning on failing but still, those masters are the hardest to convince.. And a little description about how I make the tea you like so much'' she said with a soft voice and then waited for his answer before she would leave.