[@Admiralkio]Is my ship approved? I'll add some other details to it but anything really meaningful is already included with it. I may also have other questions. 1.) Are our ships equipped with inertial dampeners or something similar? 2.) Why are the ship stats in your profile a bit schizo? Armors that are meters thick but use no wondermaterials STL engines that barely allow above 1G acceleration Then: GW-TW range energy weapons are only good for interception YW range power generation (basically you produce more energy than the meteor impact which killed the Dinosaurs in every second) And the rest: kiloton range anti-aircraft missiles megaton range shaped charge warheads may supposedly pose a threat against warships I think we may need to align these stats better. Also I hope we aren't compelled to abide these rigidly during the writing. Even after the fix. Freedom of expression and narrative comes before that.