James tucked his shirt into his trousers and popped a box of chewing gum into the top pocket, picking up his pen and notepad he opened his door, walked out, and locked it behind him with a very subtle click. Waling past Jefferson as he made his way to the elavator, he offered him a stick of gum, and as usually Jefferson politely declined saying - in his canadian accent "Too much sugar, you should quit." and they both laughed as they did every morning. Pressing his indew finger then thumb onto the scanner, the steel elavator doors open with a loud scratching noise. Stepping quickly inside he pressed the button for sector 1 and the doors snapped shut. Pushing his fingers into his top pocket he prized a stick out of the box and stuck it in his mouth, chewing softly he hummed along to 'Toccata And Fugue In D Minor'. Arriving at the bottom the elavator issued its usual warning in the bland female voice it had " Doors Opening ". Stepping out and turning left James pulled out his notepad and scribbled down a reminder to get some books in the back. Reaching security room 2 he knocked on the door. "Yes?" came a muffled russian accent from within. "It's James." he replied, leaning against the wall. A slit in the door opened and a pair of bright blue eyes peered through, the slit disappeared again and the hiss of the doors locks recalling prompted James to push at the door. "Wait! Wait! You have to give it a moment to fully retract the locks!" Russians sounded so much better angry. Holding on a few moments for the hissing to stop, James pushed on the door and is swung open. Two men sat at two seperate desks looking at multiple images on the large screen infront of them - the security cameras around the floor. Searching through the images James' eyes passed over many sleeping patients and some that were already awake, searching for the bright red hair that stood out from all the other patients. Evie...Evie...Ev.. There! Right. They'd moved her into the larger cell in B block. "How's she been?" he asked, pointing at her image on the right hand side of the screen. "Not too bad, left one of the guards a nasty bite mark though!"