I think I will use Question isnstead. Charles Vis Sage (Question) age 30s look http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130305204161/dcanimated/images/3/30/Question.png Personality: Charles is a conspiracy theorist some of his theories make no sense but some are very true. He can be very strange sometimes, as he likes to go through his team's trash. Question is also a brilliant detective. He fights with speed and power. Abiltiies: He has no real power, but his mask emits a gas that alllows him to change his appearance but only uses it for interogation., His uses a mix martial arts, and boxing. Its stated that he uses kung fu, karate and Boxing. Backstory: Little is known about Question. He was known for his "crackpot" conspiracy theories and brilliant deductive skills. He used a special flesh-colored mask that covered his face, along with a special yellow gas[ that could change the colors of his hair and clothing. The Question was possibly the most unconventional superhero ever to join the organization. He was a paranoid investigator who, by his own admission, shamelessly went through everyone's trash,[3] drove a car with no license plates, and believed there was an ominous conspiracy inherent to everything