Evangaline had been asleep for the vast majority of the night, but as usual she would wake up around 3 o'clock in the morning, either to cold or to hot. Today it had been to hot. It seemed as if during the fall months in this place that Mother Nature couldn't make up her mind, the temperature going up and down. With nothing to do, she had ran her fingers through her brightly colored hair in attempt to make it look half decent, though even when she was done with such a task it still had a few stray strands here and there. After finished with this, she would get off of her bed excitedly and prepare herself for the day as she began to hum as she played with her necklace -swinging it from side to side- and pacing the floor. A security guard warned her several times to be quiet before she woke the other patients and she just nodded with no response except for her quite humming of a rock song that she had heard many years ago. Something by Daughtry she though it was. She smiled once more as the guard came to get her and move her to cellblock B as they called it. She honestly didn't see the point her her moving, but the doctors had recommended it and it wasn't like she really had a choice, right? Two guards were needed for the early moving of the girl due to her history of violence, though she really didn't pay any attention to either of them; That was until the large man to her left tried to grab her by the arm when she got just a few paces further ahead of him than he liked. She shook out of his grip, however, as he did not apply any force. Turning back to look at him as she did so, her usual angelic voice cold as ice, she would say: "Touch me one more time and I [i]will[/i] bite your dumb-ass." The man let out a gruff laugh. "Oh sweetheart, don't be like that?" Evie stopped right in her tracks. No one -[i]no one[/i]- called her sweetheart. Not now not ever. Refusing to move, the guard would try and place his hand on her once more, but instead of causing her to move, she freaked out, being brought out of her intense train of thought. Feeling his hands on her shoulders she twisted her neck to the right, bringing her mount down upon his wrist and not letting go until the other guard came and interfered, picking her up and pulling her off of the first man. "Come on Evangaline, no time for that," the second man whispered in her ear. "What was that for!" the other shouted at her. "I told you I'd do it, but you just didn't believe me," she said with a maniac laugh as she was dragged into cell block B. Being put into her new room at roughly 7 am, Evangaline flopped down onto her bed, just laying there, her mind blank.