"Probably. I will follow the river, hope we could find the village anywhere nearby. You, just try to get some sleep to get rid of your fever. At least rest it off. I will keep you save, I promise." Lu said with a bit of concern in his voice. Right now, he flew along with the tree shades to avoid anyone noticed them because he's a white, eye-catching dragon. It would give them a very hard time if they got involved in a combat with Verloren's condition right now. That could endanger the two of them, and he don't want to risk anyone losing their life. The sight won't be pretty and it would leave a bad taste in Lu's mouth. While flying, Lu realized that he never once hurt a human. Not even kill anyone. When they practiced back there in the city, they always used a dummy, or another dragon as sparring partner. Humans are not allowed to train with other dragons except for their own, not as a partner, or an opponent. The elder said something about a human getting murdered after the training with another dragon, and apparently, dragons cannot control their lust for killing anything that get in their way. Lu doesn't want to be that kind if dragons. Well, his life is filled with fear and nothingness, except for Verloren, who was his everything. Lu's red eyes glimmered as he saw a sight of houses just right a few miles infront of them. He lowered himself to the ground slowly, carefully so Ver won't fell off his back. And just as they're close enough to the village, he turned back to his human shape. He caught Verloren who was slipping off his small back, and helped him-more like carrying him-to the village gate.