[IMG]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/pswgb/images/5/5b/ChuckA.png/revision/latest/thumbnail-down/width/340/height/340?cb=20110311025414[/IMG] Name: Chuck Species: Zipper Gender: Male Age: unknown Weapon: See Through(a pink car that Panty and Stocking drive.) Other: "(http://psg.wikia.com/wiki/Chuck) by turning himself inside-out with his zippers, Chuck has the ability to transform into a colossal horned hellhound. In this form he can still regenerate from infinite amounts of abuse and fire giant fireblasts powerful enough to take out the powered-up form of his counterpartĀ Fastener. He can also transform himself into a giant zipper that can sealĀ Hell's Gate." He also gets seriously injured as a joke but regenerates quickly.