[hider=Edwyn Carlisle] [centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/sO5gyBF.jpg[/img] [i]Edwyn Carlisle, Earl of Trethclyde, is a charismatic young man, always with a twinkle of laughter in this eyes, as if the world is a great jape only he can appreciate.[/i] [hider=Vampire] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120629135238/elderscrolls/images/0/0c/VampireLord.png[/img] [/hider] [/centre] [u] [/u] [h3]Generic Information[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Edwyn Trethclyde [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Height:[/b]6'1" [b]Sexuality:[/b] Asexual [u] [/u] [h3]Psych Profile[/h3] [b]Traits[/b] [list] [*] [b]Charming:[/b] Edwyn never breaks from his polite, courteous demeanor. He is quite skilled at reading others, and uses that to manipulate them. [*] [b]Light-Hearted:[/b] Though he'd never be so crude as to directly insult someone, he has a constant carefree attitude, frequently mocking others without them even realizing it. [*] [b]Clever:[/b] Edwyn is certainly quick of mind, and has extensive knowledge of philosophy and the sciences, though he has few political opinions of his own. [/list] [b]Flaws[/b] [list] [*] [b]Carefree:[/b] Even compared to other noblemen, he lacks any kind of motivation or drive. He does not seek money, power, or women- only entertainment. [*] [b]Hubris:[/b] Edwyn Carlisle is the soul of arrogance, though he's careful never to show it. His confidence in his own capabilities is supreme, believing himself incapable of error. [/list] [b]Vampire Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Domination:[/b] As a vampire, he can bend the minds of others to his will, making them his slaves. This requires direct eye contact, however, and its duration depends on the subject. Most mortals can be dominated for weeks, if not months, without further manipulation, while supernatural beings can only be controlled in this manner for a few minutes. To use this power, he must also be in his vampire form, which naturally makes it impossible to use in public places. [*] [b]Feeding:[/b] While he controls the minds of mundanes, he consumes their souls, slowly but surely. This is why the domination does not last forever; Eventually, the victim simply burns out, and is left comatose and of no further use. Though he does not need to feed to survive, it acts as a source of "food", so he does not need to eat the way others do while he has thralls who he can devour in this manner. This ability is also quite addictive, the life-force of others being quite a potent drug indeed. [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] Twenty-two years ago, on a snowy February morning, Edwyn Carlisle was born, son of the puissant Earl of Trethclyde. His grandfather had been at the forefront of the early technology boom, and his father continued the rapid expansion of their business empire. The Carliles were among the wealthiest and most influential families there was in those days. And then his father died. Though in his will, he bequeathed his fortune to his seven-month-old child, his younger brother, Andrew Carlisle, was left in charge of the family's many business ventures. Unfortunately, Andrew proved to be a man with little financial acumen, and even less common sense. He invested the fortune foolishly, and wasted it away on an extravagant lifestyle he could increasingly not afford. By the time Edwyn came of age, there was little left of the family fortune. Though he managed to save the family form disaster, making key pacts to ensure their survival, it was never enough, and so he was almost eager when called upon by Lord Nixus, hoping that an alliance with the man would end his family's troubles. [b]Family:[/b] Both his parents are dead. His uncle, Andrew Carlisle, has gone missing, though the man is a notorious scoundrel, so nobody is particularly concerned. [b]Character Motivation:[/b] All Edwyn wants in life is to be entertained. He does truly not care about right or wrong, but simnply does everything possible to stave off boredom. He sees his curse as a blessing, a promise of a great deal of excitement to come. [hider=Opinion Of Others] [b]Mariah Amor:[/b] Edwyn has of course met the lady Amor on many social occasions. He never found her to be particularily interesting; She had a good head, but she wasted it so, and her saint-like goodness was intolerably dull for the Earl. He does find the manner with which she toys with men to be amusing, however. [b]Gwendolyn Argall:[/b] No particular opinion. [b]Goram Dorr:[/b] Dull. Boring. Uninteresting. These are three words that Edwyn would use to describe Goram. Though he has a great respect for the man's skill, particularly considering the importance of steam machinery to the Carlisle empire, he would not care to be trapped in conversation with the man. [b]Lizbeth D'Veaux:[/b] Lizbeth is the closest thing Edwyn has to a friend in this world. His utter disregard for sexuality lets her be comfortable around him, and he finds her paradoxial character amusing. [b]Linta Höhyener:[/b] The Earl of Trethclyde has always found Linta to be intolerably dull. She never said anything she did not mean, and she has the suitability of a rushing bull. When he is graced by her presence, Edwyn always finds an excuse to be somewhere else. [b]Kipling Baye:[/b] Edwyn's encounters with Kipling always bring him great delight. The man's complete inability to say the truth makes for a delightful game for the Earl, trying to decipher what's real, and what's not. [b]Tellion Velkfur:[/b] The Carlisles and the Velkfurs have had long-standing business ties, with the later being one of the few families who didn't abandon the Carlisle when their fortune was squandered. Edwyn thus is well aquainted with Tellion, who was on numerous occasions forced to meet with the young Earl of Trethclyde to maintain appearances. But despite their acquaintance, they barely know each other, with Tellion having been sulking and unwilling to make social connections beyond his scrolls, and Edwyn being bored by the young man's lack of interest in anything not written down. [b]Elia Louisa Reinhardt:[/b] Though he has never met her personally, Edwyn Carlisle knows the Lady Elia- or perhaps just Elia- quite well, his family having patronized her research for years. He respects her cleverness, though he would never wish to speak with her, god forbid. [b]Adelia Sophia Marsden:[/b] No particular opinion. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]