Lazarus Lazarus had spent the past 2 weeks to train. After hearing the queen's lenient, yet horrifying sentence, he didn't want the company of anyone. [i]They returned to the guild, himself and Sasha. Everyone rushed up to them, happy that he was a free man. However, he couldn't help feel a tension in the air that could not be broken. He couldn't take it anymore after a few days. He found Sasha and told her he was going to train alone. He didn't give a location, nor when he would be back. With that, he left.[/i] The guild hall doors opened, and Lazarus walked in, sac over his shoulder. It would be weird for people to see him This is is because he had changed his appearance. He had ditched the white suit, and had replaced it with a far less outrageous attire. He was wearing just a jacket, made out of a pelt with white fur, open and showing his body. He wore plain training bottoms, with boots. He had gone and got his hair cut too, it now not being long enough to dangle in front of his face. He looked around. "Hey... this place has gotten pretty nice you know!" He exclaimed referring to the renovations. He looked more toned in physique. 2 weeks worth more toned. He dropped his sac filled with some food and water. He grunted. "Where's my favorite and only team member?" He called out. He felt good for a change, like he was moving in the right direction with his life. He had apparently returned at the right time, as people were gathering. The only thing he could think of that would require this kind of meeting would be the grand magic games, the event which he had dreamt of winning and hailing ever since he learned of it. Shujin Shujin walked into the guild hall. Having left Master Jack's office. In the last 2 weeks, he had resigned from his post working for the kingdom, and had become an official member of Dragon fang. His guild insignia had been placed onto his left pectoral, and was in Purple. He had already experienced what it was like to have family. He had already completed his first guild job, from which he had returned a few days ago, successful, and a bag of gold in hand. [i]He had gotten to know a fair few of the guild in his short time there, although he already knew prince. He took some of the money out of the bag, and placed it into his pocket, before sighing. He threw the bag up onto the beam, to where prince was balanced, assuming he would catch it. "You were right... the job took 2 days." He had wagered Prince half of the job reward, even though it was small, that it would only take him a day as opposed to 2. "Enjoy it you fur-ball." he chuckled before settling down in a chair, and exhaling deeply.[/i] He thought to himself, already storing it as a fond memory. The guild really had accepted them as one of their own, and that made him happy. He called a little way across the room, to Ammy. He knew all about the grand magic games, having worked for the kingdom, but it would be nice to compete. "Ammy? Do you know if the master has selected you for the games? He has to right?" He asked. "I think Dragon Fang can win. All of us here could team up in a pair, and the combinations of magic would work." He grinned.