[b]"Looks like more 'Super Villains' than ever before."[/b] Alexis mumbled past the half of croissant she had in her mouth, the pointed end comically jiggling up and down as her lips tried to form words despite the obstacle. She tilted her head back and opened her jaw a little, the food falling into her mouth where she quickly consumed it before washing it down with a sip from her mug, milky tea inside. Opposite her was one of her old friend from the bank she had been working at before taking on the job as a NAIL agent. The lady was the same age as Alexis, possibly why they had bonded quickly, and saw her current job as a cashier as the first step to greater things. Already she was managing the cashier staff on a semi-official basis and often attempted, half-heartedly, to bring Alexis back into the fold. [b]"Yeah, none of them will come near our bank though. Although if they did we don't have any [i]agents[/i] to protect us."[/b] Gwen said with a suggesting smile over the rim of her coffee mug, her accent placing her from Brooklyn was very much a contrast to Alexis' British tones. The NAIL agent rolled her eyes with a badly concealed smile at the obvious meaning, [b]"I told you, I'm not good at close quarters. Besides, I doubt the management will let me keep a gun in my till. I'm better off out and about with this."[/b] She patted the briefcase next to her, a disassembled rifle inside. Her friend glanced at the case in a distrusting kind of way; she didn't approve of Alexis' new job and believed that carrying around a weapon would actually make her more vulnerable rather than better able to defend herself. Interrupting their conversation, Alexis' phone rang. Not her personal one; the work one. She flicked open the old, sturdy phone and listened to the caller's instructions before wolfing down the remainder of her continental breakfast and downed the tea. [b]"I'll catch you later, Gwen."[/b] With a friendly kiss on the cheek she was gone, the tails of her overcoat splayed out behind her as she pelted away. She knew where the bank that was being robbed was but she had no intention of running in haplessly. She wasn't a front line fighter; she was a patient hunter. Instead, Alexis headed for a nearby hotel and flashed her badge at the receptionist; they knew better than to ask questions. The lift got her to the top floor quickly enough and the door to the rooftop was unlocked; presumably to let the rich clients out into a private space to smoke safely. Thankfully no one was there so she could set up in peace, her rifle quickly taking shape. Fully loaded she found a place with a good view of the bank's front door and the alleyways leaving off of it. The recent multitude of villains apparently had a relatively low intelligence, getting overconfident without the 'heroes' around to stop them so they often just walked out the front door with no escape plan in place. As far as Alexis knew, a bullet cared little whether you were a hero, a villain or just a normal person.