Appearance:[hider=Appearance!] [img] [/img] [/hider] Name: Noel Urton Nickname(s): Nuu, No Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Noel is more of a tomboy, and will speak like a smart ass whenever she wants. On the outside Noel will usually look calm and serious, but really on the inside she's just really pissed for some reason she may or may not know. Not all the time, but most of the time. She has it under control for pretty much the whole time. Her pissed demeanor will only slip out occasionally. Wanted Powers: Aura Manipulation - Can sense the aura of others, control self's aura, sense the mood/feelings of others, release aura in various ways, construct objects with aura, mimic other's aura. Emotions must be under control. Teleportation Self-Body Temperature Manipulation [color=purple][b]PURPLE[/b][/color]