[b][centre][color=black][h3]Mr.Kazlov[/h3][/color][/centre][/b] [color=gold]The room was dark that morning, the window on the wall closed off by a metal plate as it always was, locked with a key to cover the thin flimsy pale glass behind it. It had been that way since the man in this particular room had arrived, it had to be this way because the man was far from the average mental patient this place was used to. In fact it would be fair to say that even the guards avoided this room, if not for their lives but so they could get through their day without broken limbs. The room was medium to small size, a four walled room that was reinforced in between the weak dry wall, a room that was a plain mix between a tan and a white coloring, the floor was nothing more then concrete and cold tile. This particular room was completely empty unlike most other rooms, it was just a hollowed out room, you would almost think no one was assigned to it, except for a flimsy thin cot that lay in the corner of the room against the wall, signifying in fact that someone did reside in this room. If you looked now you would see nothing or no one in the room because of the darkness, the lights had not been activated just yet that morning, but any guard knew it was occupied. In the corner of the room, Kazlov remained silently, his body was upside down, his head was pointed directly at the ground as his feet were pointed towards the ceiling. Kazlov balanced on one hand as he supported his body, in front of himself he held his free hand with two fingers up in a rather recognizable martial arts meditative stance. Sweat slowly dripped down his upper body, his shirt lay beside him neatly folded on the tiles floor. His eye's were closed as he concentrated, ever so slowly he moved the arm he balanced on, his elbow bent as he went down, his head touched the floor ever so gently as he lifted himself back up. He repeated this process at least ten more times, even time he took a breath in as he went down, and released it on his way back up. After his tenth rep he slowly lowered his other arm, and balanced on it placing his other arm in front of him as he repeated the process ten times with his other arm. Kazlov then silently placed his other arm on the ground next to the other, keeping his feet together and his legs straight he slowly took in a breath as he moved his waist and legs down towards the ground, and then released his breath as he put them back up. Kazlov continued to exercise with his eye's closed even with when the lights hummed with their fluorescent resonance, the lights cloaked the empty white walled room from corner to corner. For the first time that morning Kazlov as illuminated in the corner of the room, slowly he opened his eye's as the room came into view, his face showed no visible sign of any kind of emotion as he lowered himself one more time from the waste up and let his feet hit the cold floor, with his body perpendicular to the ground he held a push up position for approximately a minute before he breathed in and went down and then breathed out pushing himself back up. He did ten reps before he switched to just one arm and continued the process, before switching to the other arm and repeating. Then switching positions he went to his back as he started to do crunches as he quicken pace, his breathing still in and out. To most people this would be and insane workout, but for those who watched him, knew that this was a normal morning for him, he was up at the crack of dawn everyday. No one could tell how he was able to tell what time it was seeming he was allowed a clock, but none the less he was up same time everyday, and he worked out for hours without stop. When Kazlov heard the rapping on his door did he stop exercising as he leaned up and looked, they did not bother him this early in the day which meant he knew who it was. [b][i]"Hey you crazy bastard, hope that up in there, we wouldn't want you to get too comfortable."[/i][/b] Kazlov showed no physical sign of emotion as he began doing sit ups again, the man outside the door was a newly hired guard for his block, and he found it funny to make snide remarks to the patients. In fact he had made it a point to do so, particularly to Kazlov, however the man just ignored the guard as he continued his exercise regime. The guard from the outside started dragging a night stick across the door making noise. [i][b]"Come on little Kazlov don't ignore me now."[/b][/i] As Kazlov came up with his sit up he saw the guard poking his night stick through the slot in the door that was meant to be used for cuffing his hands after he was tranquilized. The guard started to bring the club back and forth as Kazlov slowly got to his feet and silently made his way to the door barefoot, with one grab he caught half of the night stick and with a great force he pulled it as the guard behind it was yank by complete surprise slamming into the metal door from the outside with a resounding thud. Kazlov heard the guard fall to the ground with a thud as the club fell at his feet, he cocked his head slightly as he heard the guard curse under his breath, then too great surprise Kazlov heard the key being inserted in the lock as the guard was cursing on the other side. Kazlov listened silently as if time had slowed down, he listened to the tumblers in the lock slowly releasing, bending down he slowly picked up the club on the ground and wrapped his large fist around it. As the last tumbler released, Kazlov lifted his leg and with great force he slammed it into the door, it was instantly jammed open, the guard behind it was knocked back hard as he hit the opposite wall and crumbled to the ground in a heap. As Kazlov stepped out of his room, the alarm almost instantly sounded alerting every guard within distance to quickly come to the ward, stopping in front of the guard Kazlov looked at him as the man seemed to have a look of terror on his face. Kazlov slowly raised the night club in front of him as he took his other hand and placed it on the other end, in one fluid movement he cracked it in half with ease and then flung the pieces down the hallways with a wooden clank. Then in one quick motion he bent down and grabbed the guard and picked him up from the ground, slamming him into the wall he came eye to eye with the guard as he put his opposite hand on the mans neck and squeezed. The mans eye's nearly popped out of his head as his legs kicked out weakly his arms flailing about wildly. Kazlov leaned in as he whispered to the man in a deep heavily accented Russian voice. [b]"I could kill you, but there is no fun in that, I would rather see the fear in your eye's. See your panic, the breath leaving your lungs as you slowly suffocate to death. You stupid pathetic man..."[/b][/color]