[h2] Tobias Rivenridge and Stella Herbalem Outside during Lunch, 12:30-1:30 PM[/h2] [color=662d91][i]What an odd little school full of odd little folk,[/i][/color] Tobias thought to himself as he walked from the first half of his school day toward the Dining Hall for his lunch break. So far, nearly everybody he'd seen was some sort of peculiar or strange. And he wasn't saying that simply because they were Americans. Still, there had been two run-ins he'd rather enjoyed. One was that Yorkshire lass Elizabeth from his English class, and the other... [color=007236]"Tobias!"[/color] He turned about at the mention of his name to find Stella, the underclassman from that morning walking toward him, waving with a curious container cradled in her arm. He smiled at her and waved back as he stoppd to let her catch up. [color=662d91]"Stella! How are you doing?"[/color] he asked as she got close enough to casually speak to, [color=662d91]"Morning classes go alright?"[/color] [color=007236]"That they did. I made some scones in Home EC. Would you like one with lunch?"[/color] She asked with a smile. She held out the container for him to take his pick. [color=007236]"How did your morning classes go, if I may ask?"[/color] Tobias noticed that there were some traces of flour on the younger girl's uniform. [color=662d91]"Morning classes were alright,"[/color] he replied as he looked into the container at the pastries inside. [color=662d91]"Ah, so these are why you've got some flour on yourself there. Let's see..."[/color] Taking one of the scones, blueberry from the looks of it, Tobias took a small bite. [color=662d91]"Wow,"[/color] he exclaimed, [color=662d91]"These are really good!"[/color] Stella's smile seemed to widen after that and blushed at the mention of the flour on herself. [color=007236]"Thanks! I've made somethings similar to that before, but I had a little accident, as you can see... anyways... is it alright if I join you for lunch? Or did you have plans with one of your own classmates?"[/color] [color=662d91]"Don't see why not,"[/color] he said as he tossed back the last little bit of the scone, [color=662d91]"Only classmate I've really gotten to know at all is off somewhere else for lunch."[/color] Truth be told, it was nice to have someone to eat with; most of Tobi's life he'd spent off by himself, with just his notebook to keep him company. Besides, Stella was quite pleasent to be with and talk to. [color=662d91]"Any particular place you'd like to sit?"[/color] Stella seemed to think for a moment, and then looked at Tobias. [color=007236]"How about outside? It does seem like a lovely day, and I noticed some tables outside that I'm sure are there for just this purpose,"[/color] she said. [color=662d91]"Suppose I can't much argue with that logic,"[/color] he responded with a flick of a grin. Looking around, he saw a handful of outdoor tables that were unoccupied. [color=662d91]"How's about that one over there, under the tree?"[/color] he suggested as he indicated one that sat in the shade of a tree he didn't know the name of. Stella probably would, though. Stella nodded, looking the tree over for a moment and then looked back at Tobias. [color=007236]"That would work for me,"[/color] she said. [color=007236]"Shall I meet you there once we get our food?"[/color] [color=662d91]"Sounds good to me,"[/color] he said as he nodded once toward her. They both parted for a short time to get their seperate lunches, and a small while later they returned to sit at the table and eat. [color=662d91]"So, what classes have you got?"[/color] Tobias inquired, [color=662d91]"Aside from the usual core stuff and Home Ec, I mean."[/color] Stella pulled out her piece of paper and looked at it for a moment. [color=007236]"Besides the core stuff and Home EC, I'm signed up for Theater, Horticulture club and dance. What about you?"[/color] She asked, between bites of her food. [color=662d91]"Off the top of my head..."[/color] he replied as he thought about it, [color=662d91]"I've got Soccer, Track, and Art and Design. With Chess and Science Club."[/color] He took another couple of bites out of the sandwich he had before continuing. [color=662d91]"It's a bit funny, really. I've never had a school with as much focus on club activites as this one."[/color] [color=007236]"Same here, but Northwood did advertise as making 'well rounded' individuals,"[/color] Stella said between bites of sandwich. "Though I do find it nice that since the school is so small you can intermingle between the class years. I heard that its very rare in public schools here in America," she added. She turned her head for a moment towards the roof, and then back. [color=662d91]"Well, I am quite possibly the [i]worst[/i] person on campus to answer that question,"[/color] Tobias said with a chuckle at his own joke. [color=662d91]"Clubs aren't this big over in Britain either. They're there, and some places encourage 'em, but a lot of people just don't care enough. Smaller school does have it's advantages though. There's still uniforms, but, well, that's Boarding Schools for you."[/color] As he spoke, he spared a quick glance of discontent toward his clothing, but it was gone soon enough. There was no reason to spoil the lunch with sour faces, he figured. [color=007236]"I hear you. I'm use to being able to wear what I want, but I guess it is a small price to pay to be here,"[/color] she said and smiled. [color=007236]"I never really did clubs in middle school, but it is nice they have one for plants here,"[/color] she said, resuming in eating her sandwich. [color=007236]"However, it seems they don't really have one for, how did you put it earlier, tinkering?"[/color] [color=662d91]"Yeah, that's unfortunate. I'm hoping the Science club has something close, but I'd kill for a mechanical or a shop club of some kind. I suppose there's just not enough people with the interest." [i]Most likely because they're all more into intellectual crud than practical things,[/i][/color] he thought to himself, [color=662d91][i]but that's none of my business.[/i][/color] A few moments passed in silence as they both ate a little more. [color=662d91]"So, Stella,"[/color] Tobias said, [color=662d91]"You said you like plants. What is it about them that you like?"[/color] Stella paused, seeming in thought for a moment, before replying. [color=007236]"There is something just soothing about gardening. I honestly can't explain it very well. You could say I've just always had a connection to them, or that I have a really good green thumb. They seem to bloom like crazy around me,"[/color] she said with a chuckle. Tobias paused to think about the words Stella had chosen for a moment. [color=662d91][i]They bloom like crazy around her... could that be similar to...? Nah, there's no way. Is there?[/i][/color] Realizing he'd left the conversation hanging, he shook his head from side to side for a moment to clear his head. [color=662d91]"Sorry, went and got lost in my own skull again. That's interesting though, wish someone in my family had had that. Could've used some green around the house, I think."[/color] A glance down at his watch caused Tobi's eyebrows to raise in surprise- it seemed the time had gotten away from him. [color=662d91]"Well, it looks like I'd best be finishing up here, I'm told the French 3 room is notoriously difficult to find and the teacher does not take well to tardiness. I'll see you around, then?"[/color] he asked as he started together his things. Stella nodded, gathering her own things. [color=007236]"I should get going as well. I'm sure I'll see you later then,"[/color] she said and got up. She gave him one last smile before heading back inside.