[center][url=http://tektek.org/av/1757826][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img537/918/yaQkx5.png[/img][/url] [b][i]Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild[/i][/b][/center] [@CirusArvennicus] Karn, leaned against the table before blinking as he felt fingers brush against his hair. Turning his emerald eyes, he smiled brightly as he saw Trinity. She had visited him once when he was home. Brought him food since he couldn't go get it himself. It was nice to have company, made him feel a little better. [color=lime]"Oh hello Trinny! Yeah my legs all better now. Doesn't hurt anymore. How about you, you've been well so far today?"[/color] he asked, cheerful as usual as he smiled brightly to her. Slowly uncurling himself, so he sat at the table properly. [center][url=http://tektek.org/av/1054517][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img539/9787/74Zu1T.png[/img][/url] [b][i]Prince Fiore || Shirotsume || Dragon Fang Guild[/i][/b][/center] [@Zarkun] Prince watched his fellow Guildmembers do their usual routine, chattering and laughing among one another. He spotted Shujin and chuckled in mild amusement. Although the feline didn't show it, he did watch the new recruits the day they got here. Jackie and Shujin, although he was friendly and ready to give them the benefit of the doubt, he did watch for any signs of deception. A part of him was a little protective of his Guildmates. Sure, they could take of themselves just fine, but they'd still be hurt if they were deceived and he didn't wan that. But everything has been fine, and Prince helped show the newbies around. Shujin especially needed a little more lessons on Guildlife since he didn't seem to have any experience. One point, Shujin and Prince made a little wager on a job. Shujin seemed quite certain it would only take a day, but the feline man was quite positive it would require the rookie two. It seemed Prince won that wager, since Shujin returned and tossed him half of his gold. It was alright though, Shujin would learn quickly on how things worked and how one could read a job. Course, there was always those surprising incidents that may pop up but those were less predictable. The newbies had settled in nicely over the two weeks, so Prince didn't feel the need to be too concerned. Ears twitching as he watched as Hunter once again come in and start a Guild brawl, the feline simply chuckled in amusement. It was a daily occurrence here at Dragon Fang, especially with Hunter around. Prince of course, didn't usually get in the brawl, simply because he usually dodged all the blows. Plus, better to let them tire themselves out while you have full energy. Eye flicking to Master Jack and Ammy along with Shujin, the feline hummed, listening to the chatter that went on as he leaned against another supporting beam. Prince was fairly interested in seeing the Master's choice. There were plenty of good canidates. He knew Hunter would throw a bit of a fit if he didn't get in. A rambunctious man, but the Dragon Slayer was a good fighter. But the Master might let the newbies take a turn, show off what they have in a proper match. Prince himself, didn't really care if he was in the match or not. It was all in good fun for him. With the brawl going on, he thought it better to stay up on his perch and simply observe. Watching, and finding a proper target he was in the mood for. His tail fluffed a little and his ears shot up briefly as a pain struck his head. His covered eye throbbing a little. His nose twitched but he soon relaxed and grinned down below. [color=aqua]"Oi, you're going to destroy the hall again at this rate boys."[/color] The feline chuckled down to the brawlers, but he seemed unconcerned if there was damage or not.