Marcus and Alyssa both set up their accounts like the teacher asked, and soon they were ready to send their first emails. However, neither of them were too sure about what to write. How exactly do you even introduce yourself to a completely anonymous stranger? Marcus ended up half-assing it, but Alyssa at least tried to be sociable. From: bruh73 To: RoflsMazoy [i]ayy so, i have no idea what im doing here and i dont really care about this project so like, don't judge me too hard if i seem like im not all that into this. this assignment just seems really dumb and i have no idea what to say. im kinda just repeating myself but dont worry its just because im trying to make the email seem long for the teachers since i dont think theyll even be reading these. theres way too many fucking kids and emails theyd have to go through if they did. hey maybe we can even fake this entire project out all year long by sending a bunch of gibberish bs to each other.[/i] [hr] From: Coolbreeze123 To: Ka-ching [i]Hello there! It's nice to meet you. My real name has to be a secret, but if you want to call me by a name then you can just call me Al or CB instead of my username. I'm not too sure what else to say to be are you?[/i]