Varric grinned. [color=007236]"But Sir Gareth, no doubt my natural magics could be a great boon to you in rangling this plant ravager. But, alas, I suppose I must cover for my trouble making friend as per usual,"[/color] Varric said dramatically, before looking at Guinevere and grinning. [color=007236]"Worry not, my angel, for we shall handle your mishap together. I shall soothe the angry Dunstan and bring him such cheer through song that he will not even be mad about the damages. And when you fix the coop itself, why, I will supervise like none have ever supervised before!"[/color] He paused, [color=007236]"And then we will discuss botany. For the flower of my heart seems to bloom for one of your beauty." [/color] Varric wondered momentarily who his "soulmate" could be. For one, he knew the flower tended to bond man and woman. He wondered what that meant for him. He didn't like the idea of having it decided for him. For one, 'string of lovers' was still in his short term plans. Perhaps it was Guinevere. They were close, after all. Varric could honestly say he loved her. However, he wasn't so sure he could be IN love with her. Besides that, while his illusion magic could disguise his body for the most part, Varric knew that at night the illusions would have to drop. If she were his wife, would she be okay with never bearing child? Would she even find him attractive? As for anyone else, well...what if they didn't want to leave. There were plenty that Varric wouldn't mind taking to bed, like Alixanna the medic's daughter, or Aldric, who inherited his father's fit lifestyle and physique. But marriage was a commitment. And Varric didn't want to commit himself to staying in town. He couldn't imagine settling down. And what if they wanted kids? If it came down to it, would he be okay with bearing children? He shook the thoughts from his head, and maintained his cheery demeanor, though he was admittedly nervous on the inside. He felt the flower underneath his jacket. It felt like shackles, close to his heart.