[center][b]Michael[/b][/center] [@Zarkun][@Silver Fox] Michael stood in front of the guild hall for a good several minutes. He shifted his bag several times, as if it was heavy, or a great burden, as he tried to pick up the courage to enter. Why hadn't he gone with Gabriel? But he could just imagine Gabriel, berating him for being so timid. [color=8dc73f][i]Micky, you can't go through life so timid and silent! Step forward! ENTER![/i][/color] it would be something like that. Michael nevertheless stood in front of the guild for some time. Dragon Fang. Michael had done research on which guilds he might want to join. Unfortunately, Gabriel hadn't wanted to go to Dragon's Fang. Not for the first time, Michael wondered how two people could be so different, and yet, so much the same. Michael swallowed, picking up what small courage he had, and stepping forward. He entered the guild, looking about, and just about froze when he saw how mnay people there were. He gave a squeak, and thought about running off. But it seemed like it was too late, and Michael wanted to join, he did. [color=00a651]"uh....I.....e-e-e-e-excuse m-m-m-m-me"[/color] He said in a very soft voice, but at least it wasn't a whisper, as he stumbled over his words, [color=00a651]"I-i-i w-w-w-would like t-to j-join"[/color] He stared at the floor, a bit too terrified to look at anyone. But there seemed to be a fight going on, and Michael had to get out the way, scrambling away, but he stumbled, fell and wondered if this was the guild for him [center][b]Gabriel[/b][/center] [@lugubrious] Gabriel was thrilled, excited, fired up! He was joining a guild today! he was going to be one of the most powerful Wizards of all time, he just knew it! He was going to have so much fun, meet so many people, and just...be a guild wizard! His pack was over his shoulder, his spirits were in a pouch, token like things, that represented just what they were. Rat, dog, the smaller spirits. He had everything he needed, and that was all. Well, except for Michael. At the thought of his brother, he slowed, worried for his chronically shy little brother. Well, moments younger, but still. He sighed, wondering if Michael had picked up the courage to go into the guild he had chosen. Gabriel stopped, wondering about his brother for a few moments, before sighing, and looking at Frenzy Plant. He stepped in, and said, quite loudly [color=8dc73f]Hello! I'd like to join!"[/color] [center][b]Sasha[/b][/center] [@yipeeXD] Sasha couldn't help but smile, relieved that Lazarus had returned safe, and this time, quicker then he had before. Sasha rose, still smiling, darting over to Lazarus. the guild was fuller then it had been for a while, so many members (NPCs) returning from jobs, or just waiting for the announcement. There were new members, of course. it made Sasha happy. She hugged Lazarus tight when she got to him, [color=6ecff6]"Here"[/color] She said brightly [center][b]Jarvis[/b][/center] Jarvis looked around, wondering how he should start this. He sighed, and just simply said, [color=aba000]"We all know the grand magic games are coming up in a few weeks, on the 30th. I think its time to name those for the team. We can have as many teams as we like, but I am only going with two. There will be a initial round, that eliminates many teams. But I think two is good. I've thought long and hard, and have finally chosen the teams"[/color] He stopped as Damian answered the call, and waited for that to be dealt with. Some might think he was doing it deliberately, to bring more suspense. But really, he was just being polite. But it seemed like it was going to be an interesting situation, so Jarvis watched, for now.