[quote=@EldritchOne] I don't quite follow, there is two of something vaguely similar and suddenly its unbalanced? the same could be said for Mono's Berserker the Paladin, and the giant machine person, as all could be put in the general class of "Fighter", but I don't see any complaints about that. [/quote] Though Arcaedos "the giant machine person" is physically based for now, he will be diverging into the future into more diverse and utility based skills. He's not a killer, and rarely a "fighter" in most general terms. Think less Hulk and more Bambi. In fact, Bambi is probably more aggressive than Arcaedos is. He will be your "shield", so think of him as walking, clunking bolts of HP to soak hits and less of smash and crash, unless the RP calls for him to be angry or he accidentally hurts something/someone. That is, until he can do more crowd control later on in the RP. The different between Arcaedos and... say, Zodiac, is that he's a wall and she's a serrated, bloody saw blade with a penchant for stabbity stabbing. I'm not stating that your character is not different from Ishtar. In fact, looking at you guys I see night and day. If I were to take this into Guild Wars 2 terms, Ishtar is a thief, and Alexander is a mesmer, more so than you both being thieves. If you ever care to, look them up on youtube if you don't know what I'm referencing. The differences are pretty huge. I feel like I made a mistake posting this comment, but I've had a rough time of things lately IRL, I don't wanna be included in any way to ... disagreements? Arguments? I have no idea what to call what just happened, but I want to have fun. I think we'll do good with what we have, and if Arcaedos can magic-fy us some shields or something with his powers (up to the GM), we'll need less heals. (also I'm not just aiming this comment at you, but to the roleplayers here in general. I re-read it and it seemed like I was directly engaging you. I apologize. I like Alexander)