[h3][color=ed1c24]Maddox[/color][/h3] The past two weeks at Phoenix Wing hadn't seen much of Maddox Colburn. While in the past he was known for constantly taking jobs, he had been busy otherwise lately. Training. Something he hadn't done in years. In fact, it was likely that he hadn't attempted to train even once over the years he has been in the guild. While he did train his body, it was not his focus. Daily exercise and workouts kept Maddox incredibly fit already. But instead he was training with his magic. His fights at the council, several weeks ago, had proven that years of being idle had taken its toll. His magic had atrophied. Now he was determined to get back into shape. The red-haired mage strolled into the guild hall. His hair was slightly longer, and some might still not be used to his leather jacket (compared to his old jacket), but he hardly seemed different. Maddox checked in at the hall every day, to let everyone know he was alive and also to see if Jamie had returned yet. But today seemed different. The moment Blink stepped into the hall, he saw that most everyone had gathered around. [color=ed1c24][i]Something to do with the upcoming Games, I bet,[/i][/color] Maddox thought to himself, standing at the back of the crowd with his hands in his jacket pockets. [color=ed1c24][i]An interesting strategy to change how the world looks at magic. Showing it off in a positive light. Naturally we're going to want the flashiest mages. For the first Games, winning isn't really important.[/i] [i]Or at least that's how I see it.[/i][/color] With a small grin, Maddox moved from the crowd and sat down at a table, crossing his legs and waiting patiently to hear who would be in the teams to represent Phoenix Wing. After the speech would be concluded, Maddox intended to talk with Jarvis anyways. To see if he knew anything about how Jamie was doing. Not that Maddox intended to bring him/her back, but just to see if he/she was at least safe. A vacation is always nice, but Jamie was a famous person. Infamous to criminals and dark mages. Being alone is dangerous, emotionally and physically. Maddox knew that all too well. [h3][color=662d91]Beatrix[/color][/h3] [color=662d91]"About damn time."[/color] The tan woman was standing on a hill, overlooking Magnolia. An evil grin had formed on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest, tapping the gauntlets with a metallic clink. Her adventure in Edolas was not a pleasant one, having been captured, tortured, and used by the Edolas version of Maddox. But she had managed to escape with the help of Edolas Damien. It was a hassle staying under the radar after that, because she knew the Phoenix Wing of both realms would've tried to capture her as well if they found her. But here she was, cocky as ever. [color=662d91]"I learned from my mistake last time,"[/color] Beatrix admitted out loud, still looking down at the city. [color=662d91]"Fools can't be reasoned with. I'll just play it safe and wait. The time will come when I can [i]kill[/i] you. I'll make sure to give you an extra beating, for your Edolas version."[/color] Beatrix pulled up her purple cloak, bringing the hood over her head and letting it conceal her identity. The only thing visible from under the cloak was her bare shins and black boots. [color=662d91]"And if any of your stupid friends try to get in my way, I'll show them what a [i]real[/i] dark mage is capable of."[/color]