[h2]Phoenix Wing [/h2] Trinity smiles softly when Karn looks up at her. "Heyya, Karn. Yeah, I've been alright." She circles around and sits with him. As he uncurls, she takes her gloves off and tosses them into Karn's lap. "Found these a couple weeks ago. I think the owner is sick, I found them with blood coughed onto them. I was hoping the owner would come to claim them, but he hasn't. They're very nice. [i]You [/i]wouldn't happen to know owns them, Karn...?" She looks him in the eye, patient, knowing. Jarvis began his announcement, Karn's answer or no, pertaining to the magic games. "Oooh, Karn, who do you think he'll pick? I'll be sure to cheer you on if you're on the team." Jarvis was waiting to announce teams because Damian had answered the door. Such was the polite thing, but why right now? In the mean time, it seemed as though Maddox had returned. The white-haired waved to him, though she wondered if he'd look her way.