[h3][color=hotpink]Ariel[/color][/h3]People were mulling around, coming in for the call that Jarvis had put out. Thankfully by now Ariel had become accustomed to most of their magics even if she hadn't started to exhibit them. Partly out of defense, partly for fun, she switched to her Charm personality and suddenly remembered that she wanted to help Nolan out. Since his return he had seemed rather down. What happened while he was out she couldn't tell but one thing was for sure, he could use a little cheering up. Had she a more discerning mind she probably would have left him alone. Last time she just popped up next to him though and freaked him out. That would not do for getting him to relax. So this time she stepped up on the upstairs railing and held one hand out. Drawing back her other hand her magic formed what looked like a pink bow and arrow. Since their last encounter she'd been working on her magic just for this. Ariel had been making claims that she would cure Nolan of his fear no matter what. A fool's errand. With the bow mostly being for show the real magic was in the arrow. Letting it fly it shot toward his back where his heart would be. Not particularly paying attention to her own footing she slipped and fell to the floor below, arms and legs flailing. Picking herself up she brushed herself off. There was no time to worry about the pain, she must admire her handwork. Surely another personality would complain abut the bumps and bruises. Skipping over the popped up be Nolan. "[color=hotpink]Nolan! I'm not giving up on you yet[/color]" Not staying still she whirled around to his other side to see if he was reacting any different. Why move? No idea. [@hatakekuro]