[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall[/color][/h2][/center] After returning back to the guild from the resort job with Angelo, the first thing Joshua had done was give his resort ticket to Jarvis, telling the Guild Master to give it to Amelia or someone he thought deserving of a break or extra reward. From there, for the past two weeks, it was rare to see him in the guild, as he was often away on jobs . He mostly took hunting, security, or bounty jobs, putting his skills in combat were they would be most useful and he usually worked solo, preferring to work alone. While he often came back with a decent amount of injuries, he would just ask to be healed up before taking another job and leaving. When he heard that Jarvis was going to make an announcement two days ago, he stopped taking jobs, incase he needed to be rested and in top condition. He had no idea what the announcement was, but if it was a really big job, better to be at his best then recovering from some fight or accident while on a job. When the time came for Jarvis to make his announcement, Joshua gave him his full attention. To hear of what sounded like a tournament interested him greatly. It sounded like an excellent chance to test his skills against other mages in this land, something he was dying to do. Not only that but it would be friendly competition, so he wouldn't have to worry about his life being at risk. When the announcement of teams and Jarvis selecting them came up, he reigned in his excitement. He doubted he would be called, he hadn't been in the guild long enough in his mind. If he was though, he vowed to give it his all. [center][h2][color=fff200]Amelia Averyonna - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall[/color][/h2][/center] Amelia spent the past two weeks at the guild, preferring not to take jobs and instead, help Jarvis in anyway that she could. She liked helping him sort his paperwork or going out into town to grab him some random item or some food to eat. When she wasn't helping Jarvis, she could be found in the guild, relaxing or in town, doing to same thing or studying at the local library. When she wasn't doing either of those, she could be found drawing, though she was very secretive about this and refused to allow anyone to see her work. Since she spent most of her time in his office, Amelia knew about the Grand Magic Games before most, but she kept them a secret. When Jarvis decided to make the announcement, she was sitting at the bar, wearing one of her regular t-shirts with her wings tucked underneath, hidden from view. She didn't really get excited about the Magic Games. While she wanted to be of use to the guild, she didn't feel like competition or combat were her best areas. She was worried that her reliance on summons would hinder her. She also worried what would happen if her wings were seen by the crowd. The possibilities of their reactions scared her and she would prefer to avoid it facing that possibility. [center][h2][color=00aeef]Elyse Yashai - Outside the Phoenix Wing Guild Hall[/color][/h2][/center] The past two weeks flew by for Elyse. Being only a child, she couldn't do much for the guild, but sometimes her antics and innocence could bring smiles and lift otherwise down spirits. She loved playing with Prince when he visited and she joined her mother on trips into town for supplies for the guild, enjoying Rose's company and seeing places outside the guild hall. The only thing that seemed to bring her down was the severe lack of Jamie and she often asked everyone where her favorite Guild Master was, too which the universal answer was often a very dangerous and long job. While this seemed to make her happy, the little girl was getting impatient to see Jamie again. At the moment she was outside, playing with several toys and having a small 'tea party' with them. [center][h2][color=662d91]Jack the Maiden of the Mist - Dragon Fang Guild Hall[/color][/h2][/center] Jack became an official member of Dragon Fang and she had been less then happy with the welcoming party. As a trained assassin, she had been taught to avoid the spot light unless necessary. So to be in the spotlight was unnatural to her, but she simply took things as they came. She quickly gained a reputation in the guild of a member who preferred to be left alone and was not one to be trifled with. She had only taken three jobs since joining the guild, all three of them being security jobs. She had preformed them to perfection, quickly finding out possible weaknesses in the security of the building she was guarding and typically capturing the thief just as they were breaking into the building in question. Any fights between her and thief would end quickly and in her favor, and she would hand them over to the police the moment she had them knocked out or otherwise immobilized. At the moment, she was sitting in a corner of the guild, practicing her Mist Make magic, trying to make nonlethal objects again. She was making progress but slow and it was starting to frustrate her. Other then a wall, which was too simple, she couldn't make anything that wasn't a weapon. She knew she would need to make more then weapons in the future so she had to practice and master it before such a time came.