[center][url=http://tektek.org/av/1054517][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img539/9787/74Zu1T.png[/img][/url] [b][i]Prince Fiore || Shirotsume || Dragon Fang Guild[/i][/b][/center] [@Zarkun][@Caits] Prince chuckled as he watched the newcomer, seeming to have a mild freakout, yet did very little to stop the tall feline. It was amusing really, and quite adorable. There weren't many around here that would give this reaction, especially in the Guild. But these were the types he loved teasing the most. Still, he was sure a part of it was because he was abnormal looking. Feline features, freakishly tall, and missing a eye and having a obvious large crossed scar on his bare chest. Picking up the fallen bag as he walked, he set the bag on a nearby table before sitting at the bar, pulling the newcomer on his lap and happily continuing to basically glomp him. It was normal for him to do this to people, other then a certain few that would pulverize him. Like the new Jack. though most of his Guildmates were exceptions, he was just overly affectionate to most of them. He does express it to even the newcomers, though he does make sure to be in good dodging distance with them. As the boy gave a stuttered reply, and finally giving a name. Prince purred a little louder. [color=aqua]"Mikey then! You have quite the timing! Just in time to witness the excitement for the Magic Games."[/color] the tall man smiled before taking one of Michael's hands and gingerly kissed a scrapped Palm, the sound of his purring vibrating against it. Pulling out a purple rose from his sleeve and waving it over the scrapes. Healing them. Innocently, the man sat up before looking to Master Jack. [color=aqua]"Well, I'm sure Master Jack will gladly have you. So will everyone. Careful though, or Hunter over there might knock into you."[/color] he chuckled in amusement.