Wrongness is a wonderful thing. [quote=@Kierkegaard] [@Keyguyperson] I'm sure the reference to Witold Pilecki was intentional, and I can't believe this is the first I've heard about this guy. Too cool. [/quote] Yep. His name is explicitly mentioned in the background I just put up. He's a personal hero of mine, which is the main reason I decided to use his brother. I considered using Witold himself, but there's no way I can do that man justice. By the way, if anyone is interested in talking to the asshat lab assistant, let me know. Because I doubt the asshat lab assistant is going to actively seek anyone out. Being perfectly honest, it would be quite interesting if he happened to be in the next table over from Ros and Klaus. While he probably has the common decency to not interrupt a date by talking about mass murder, there's definitely an opportunity for his magic to be revealed there.