[quote=@Obscene Symphony] Oh, I'm psyched for the wrongness. It makes for [i]wonderful[/i[ moral dilemmas and great backdrop to develop characters. I can't wait to explore this topic further! Jeez, how does someone convey excitement over something so wrong without sounding like an absolute crap person? Heh. [/quote] i think about the depiction of evil and atrocities in fiction a lot, actually (take that as you will.) There's a good exchange between Roger Ebert and the guys who made the film "Chaos" that has some good reflections on the topic here: [url]http://www.rogerebert.com/rogers-journal/evil-in-film-to-what-end[/url] ultimately, my thought is that it's important to talk about this stuff, because erasure makes it easier for atrocities to repeat themselves, and it's important to walk through the same moral paradigms and examine why people might have done the things they done. (Plus, better to do it through fiction than in a setting where real lives are affected.) That clearly doesn't mean becoming neo-Nazis or Hitler apologists, but it does mean examining monsters of the pasts as humans and not wholly unfathomable creatures. might be getting in too deep here. Just my two cents, anyhow. [quote=@Adriane] It's okay We're all as sickly excited for some insane character development as you, trust me. You're in good company. [/quote] understatement. [quote=@Keyguyperson] Wrongness is a wonderful thing. Yep. His name is explicitly mentioned in the background I just put up. He's a personal hero of mine, which is the main reason I decided to use his brother. I considered using Witold himself, but there's no way I can do that man justice. By the way, if anyone is interested in talking to the asshat lab assistant, let me know. Because I doubt the asshat lab assistant is going to actively seek anyone out. Being perfectly honest, it would be quite interesting if he happened to be in the next table over from Ros and Klaus. While he probably has the common decency to not interrupt a date by talking about mass murder, there's definitely an opportunity for his magic to be revealed there. [/quote] It would be [i]very[/i] interesting if he were the next table. That's definitely somewhere he'd want to be, if he wanted to get inside info on the SS agenda. Does he know Ros is spying on Klaus? No reason why we wouldn't, if he's a spy worth his salt. By the way, just going to mention here- very impressed with the character. Great attention to detail and historical record, and again, the Witold Pilecki thing is just too cool. Cool magical ability, too- it's like magic has made him a wormhole where ordinary rules of time and space don't apply to objects. One question- how much conscious control does he have over this? Could he, say, summon the canister with the dark hole at some point in the future? One last thing- this may be obvious but this RP is a little more complex than most, and as such will be more like a collaborative writing project and less like a free-for-all adventure. I propose we discuss loose storylines here in the OOC before writing everything out. I have some ideas that I'll post in a second, but I'm hungry, so you'll have to wait a bit. (In the meantime, if you have plot ideas, make yourself heard now.)