[b]Name:[/b] Ongyoki [b]Rider Name:[/b] Kamen Rider Ongyoki [b]Age:[/b] 43 [b]Sex:[/b] M [b]Transformation Device:[/b] Transformation Demon Discs - Echo Sound [b]Origin of Powers:[/b] Hibiki [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]Sound Attack Mixer - Crossfade Command[/b] A pair of turntables conjured from disks on his chest, Crossfade Command allows Ongyoki to generate, monitor, and coordinate swarms of normally-unintelligent Disk Animals into a threat rivaling that of standard Oni weaponry. [b]Forms:[/b] Ongyoki's Oni form is colored in a shifting palette of greys and greens, the most notable identifying trait being circular patches on his chest that can be activated to form his Oni weapon, as well as narrow slots on his abdominals that can generate and modify Disk Animals. [hider=Appearance:] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FH7ckHe.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Ongyoki is stubborn and cautious, making a point of gathering as much information as possible before acting and preferring to operate indirectly through his Disk Animals whenever possible. That being said, in spite of possessing what some may call a cowardly or underhanded fighting style, he's generally a very honest and traditionally-minded person, making a point never to lie, nor break an oath. [b]Background:[/b] Firstborn son of the Fujiwara clan, Ichirou Fujiwara was pushed to follow tradition and carry on his father Chikata's role as an Oni. He trained hard to become a fearsome Oni who would not soil his family name, discovering his talent for working with shikigami in the process. Over the years, he and his three brothers - Kinki, Suiki, and Fuuki - became renowned as a well-oiled fighting machine, the Four Devas of the Fujiwara clan. Recently, however, the brothers had a falling-out, leading the four siblings to strike out on their own. While Ongyoki is only vaguely aware of what his brothers are up to, he does know one thing: Something terrible is brewing deep in the world- something that's far older and more dangerous than the Makamou of his world. For the honor of his clan and the good of his world, Ongyoki seeks to understand and put a stop to this mysterious new threat.