Loose ideas for an initial arc: - Sometime in the near future an SS officer will approach Klaus about the offensive applications of the Zauber Project. Klaus, recalling Ros's unease from lunch, will question his role as a bystander/enabler in the Third Reich and be uncooperative. - Sometime in the near future the SS will launch a raid on the basement laboratory to seize their lab notes and the canister. Klaus and the newly defected Ros will grab shit and run. Aaron and Jozef are welcome to come along/aid in the escape efforts. Up to you. - Our scientists + SS defector go into hiding with a canister with a mini black hole in it. Inconspicuous. So very inconspicuous. Insert hilarious training montage a la X-Men First Class where they learn to control their magical powers. Loose ideas for a second arc: - Our motley crew form or join a kind of underground resistance movement - Tangentially relevant: now would be a good time to read up on the White Rose if you've never heard of them because I think they're cool as fuck. - Jozef kills, or tries to kill, someone. Everyone applauds.