"Thanks," Sophia said with a relieved sigh before walking over to the sink. With her back to Tim she pulled off the shirt she was wearing and set it on the counter. She had a tank top on so she was still fully clothed--she just didn't want to get her shirt wet. To make it easier to wash her face Sophia put her hair up in a ponytail. She turned on the water, and as she bent forward a scar that had been hidden by her shirt and hair was now revealed. It ran from the top right of her shoulder at a downward angle toward her spine for six inches. The scar was rather light, but it was there. It remained as a testament to some darker, scarier times in Sophia's past. It belonged to a memory she wished she could forget. But as the scar was on her back, it was out of sight and therefore out of mind. As Sophia washed her face she wasn't thinking of the scar, or if Tim saw it. She didn't even know if Tim was still in the room or not.