[@Arcanaut] I have allowed teleportation before, and a few character can do something quite similar to that. One character with an electricity affinity, in her awakened state can become basically teleport a short distance almost immediately (rather, in a flash) by becoming a bolt of lightning. Another character, may she rest in peace, could become a distortion of light particles and "teleport" (move rapidly, but untargetable) a short distance. Each power lasts about 2 seconds, and it a very constrained thing, not to be used often. Maybe twice in a normal fight. It's kind of a "last resort" thing, to keep the balance. The character with light affinity could make a shield strong enough to stop a military personel carrier truck, and not really break a sweat about it. (Though she was defensively based, shields were kinda her thing). Really, it's kind up to personal interpretation at the start, if I feel you're getting excessive then I may ask you to tone it down. But, Immortals are pretty powerful and can fight with their powers for a good while. Immortals in their awakened state are basically going to SS3 and can do about 10x with about -10x the effort and basically just wreak havoc on everything. The catch for that is Immortal's can't awaken by themselves, and they can't enter the state willingly-- There is a "trigger" that makes this process happen. I admit I don't think that last bit in is the key points resource, but it's time for a little revamp anyways and I'm about to add it.