[quote=@Aeonumbra] [@Arcanaut] I have allowed teleportation before, and a few character can do something quite similar to that. One character with an electricity affinity, in her awakened state can become basically teleport a short distance almost immediately (rather, in a flash) by becoming a bolt of lightning. Another character, may she rest in peace, could become a distortion of light particles and "teleport" (move rapidly, but untargetable) a short distance. Each power lasts about 2 seconds, and it a very constrained thing, not to be used often. Maybe twice in a normal fight. It's kind of a "last resort" thing, to keep the balance. [/quote] [@Aeonumbra] That's a good call, as well as the awakened state since if you can use it willingly then what's the point of ever exiting it? [b]Ability based questions:[/b] My question (since I've basically been salivating over this world and ended up with a rough outline of a character) Is if its the character's only power would it be able to be used more often? And while we're on the subject of quantuum entanglement could space be considered a category light electricity and sand were in your previous version of this? The way I see it is it could be interpreted as the the lower levels of the space arcanum if you're familiar with White Wolf's tabletop game Mage: The Awakening. The cliff notes version would be slowing down objects that are being shot at said character or perception modification. Here's a site that has some examples of the milder stuff though much of it is either redundant or not applicable to to this world [url]http://www.thesubnet.com/portal/wod2/mtaw/ArcanaSpa.html[/url] [b]Faction based questions:[/b]Regarding The Forsaken, how attached to the Roman Empire are they? Are they like Caesar's Legion from Fallout: New Vegas or are they just the biggest group of raiders who think it's a kickass name? Is their army organized or are they like a giant pack of wolves, killing the biggest and toughest to be in charge of their particular group?