Name: Yamada Goro Rider Name: Kuuga (The Third) Age: 28 Sex: Male Transformation Device: [url=]Arcle[/url] Origin of Powers: Kamen Rider Kuuga Abilities: A janitor by trade, Yamada is proficient in the use of various cleaning products and equipment. He's quite handy with a mop, in particular. As Kuuga, he gains the standard suite of enhanced strength, speed, tendency to make rubber-suited monsters spontaneously explode, ect. In addition, when in Dragon, Pegasus, or Titan Form, he can grab any mundane inanimate object that vaguely resembles the form's associated weapon, and reassemble its atomic structure to become said weapon. When the weapon is no longer needed, it will revert to its original state. Forms: At present, Yamada can only access the [url=]Growing Form[/url], due to his inexperience preventing him from fully utilizing the Arcle's power. Given time, he'll eventually attain the four proper forms of Kuuga, shown below. [hider=Forms][url=]Mighty[/url] [url=]Dragon[/url] [url=]Pegasus[/url] [url=]Titan[/url][/hider] Appearance: [url=]Here ya go.[/url] Might replace it later. Personality: While not the most valorous, kind-spirited, or heroic person in existence, Yamada has a dedicated and hardworking attitude. If a job needs doing, he will get it done to the best of his ability, no half-assing it or backing out after a minor setback. While this could lend to making him an excellent Rider, Yamada's lack of experience with either using his new-found powers or fighting monsters means that it might take a while for him to reach that point. Background: An employee of the 'Kraken Council,' Yamada's life has been mostly spent doing menial work. Cleaning up the messes created by higher-ups, disposing of unwanted articles, mopping the floors, and so on and so forth. Not the most exciting job in existence, but it paid surprisingly well. However, while emptying out the trash one day, the janitor found something remarkable: an oddly shaped belt, with a stone embedded in the middle. Given that it was in nearly perfect condition, Yamada found it odd someone would simply throw it away. After thoroughly cleaning it (safety first), he figured he may as well try it on, only to find that it fit perfectly. So perfectly, that he could no longer remove it, no matter how hard he tried. While it was quite stylish, Yamada figured it would be rather uncomfortable to wear it absolutely everywhere he went. After some extensive fiddling, he managed to arguably make it worse, by somehow encasing himself in a suit of bug-themed armour. Wholly ignorant of the imminent threat of Mirai Shocker, Yamada is primarily interested in figuring out how to switch back, so he can go back to work without getting weird looks. Or at least, that is currently the case.