For the first time in her life, Astra had to admit to herself that she was utterly, truly and completely lost. The rate of fire at which Innes was capable of speaking, let alone thinking was way beyond the smartest living Faira. She managed to make a mental bullet point list of things to address, but she was unable to follow Innes' - completely wrong - train of thought. All she got was Temair -> Shirtless chancellor -> Slaves -> Crying heap in the corner of her room. The Faira raised her hands and covered her eyes for a second, hoping she was seeing things. Nope, the chancellor was still there, and apparently done with innuendos and taking the game to straight up insults. “Enough!” Astra hissed, being on Innes in one leap and giving her a slap. There wasn’t any force behind it, albeit more to prevent Astra from getting a laceration on her hand rather than from the lack of intent for it to hurt. “If you have something to tell me about your people that would prevent me from making a bad decision, fine. I wouldn’t want that either. But I do [i]not[/i] have to listen to your insulting me and my people with your baseless, unproven conspiracy theories!” Letting the slave talk fly by with her every second strengthening disdain (Innes was a good practice), the Faira addressed a few points Innes mentioned in hope of calming her down. “We’d never move against you unless you attacked us first. We can not live on Paardveid - literally, we draw energy to live from starlight remember? Why would we ever want your dark world? And finally, I have no problem with councilor Temair as a person, albeit her manners could use some refining. It is the church that seems like they would wipe most of us out if they had the chance as a whole. There, that puts your mind on ease?” she said, and by the time she was done her hands were laid on Innes’s shoulders gently. Innes looked at Astra in shock. She hit her. Actually hit her. Not a light tap, or a playful punch, but an actual slap. For a few seconds she was too stunned to react. She just looked at Astra, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. “Wha-” she swallowed, then started again “What the hell? Did you have to do that?” It was still in her head. She had been slapped. Actually, really, properly slapped. “You - you could have just said something…” she muttered in a disbelieving tone. Her hand touched her cheek gently, like she expected it to start stinging. But she had to admit, the more she listened, the more she realised that she had been mistaken. Even if an invasion was planned, they would have to spend at least a couple of weeks to get a task force together. And there was little benefit (besides the slaves, a little voice told her) in taking over such a dark world if one lived off of sunlight. But she still had some doubts. Surprisingly frustrated, she shrugged Astra’s hands off and drew herself up to her full height - just under 5 foot, that is - before saying in a rather steely tone: “No, it does not. There are other things you can do with a planet besides live on it - mine it, for instance, to get those supplies you seem so desperate for. And the population could serve as useful food or entertainment sources.” She shook her head “But if that’s the plan, forget it. You’ve been showing off your tech like a peacock ever since I got here, but I have failed to be impressed. You seem to think gadgets and technological baubles ae what a nation is judged by. But our people breed faster, are more nimble and agile, physically stronger and have knowledge of things that you could never know in a thousand years.” “But still, you have things that we desire - I can’t deny it. Therefore, I think it would be best if we were to make this… official.” She stroked her chin in thought, looking around the room for inspiration. “I want to meet whoever is in charge of this place, like you did with us. No offence, miss, but Rear Admiral does not sound like a particularly diplomatic rank. If I can talk to your leader, which you can feel free to join or not, then I can discuss these matters properly.” She smiled ghoulishly, anticipating a response like ‘But we already had a talk with your Patriarch.’ “I believe there are a few things I have seen today that put me in a better position than Weyss or Temair to make agreements and deals, would you not say? So don’t tell me that he has already made agreements X, Y and Z.” “Oh for the love of… YES, yes I had to! When I was visiting your world, you gave me a list of what wasn’t good to talk about, and I took care not to! And yet here we are at my home, with you knowing how we feel about life, homeworlds and whatnot, and you spit this garbage in my face? It’s like… well I don’t actually know the proper analogy to your culture, probably something like insulting your gods, but it’s bad and hurting, alright?” Astra vented and continued to dress the Sinnsyk down, unimpressed with Innes’ attempt at displaying courage. Taking a few breaths to calm down, she thought about the other things the chancellor said, which finally started sounding like the job she was actually sent here to do. Good. Progress. “Well as a matter of fact, I already spoke to the Patriarch about [i]buying[/i] a mining license - to the asteroids. Why would we fight gravity of the planet to get the resources up when we can obtain and process them already in space?” she shrugged, “But there’s been no answer yet, so no, it isn’t a done deal. And would you cut it with the slaver talk already? Do I look entertained to you?” Astra exclaimed, pointing to her clearly frustrated face to add an extra emphasis. Her face turned to a grin when Innes mentioned her rank. “Actually, our military is also our government, remember? We don’t have a singular leader like you do, but the whole Admiralty, which I am actually part of now. But there are four others scattered over our systems. Would videoconference be sufficient for your business or do you require them to come in person, [i]Chancellor[/i]? Keep in mind that might take some time.” Astra finished, taking a step back and folding her arms on her chest, waiting for what Innes would think of next. In astra’s eyes, it was a coin toss between as far as hugging her or running blade through her chest. Innes was not impressed. If anything, her eyes narrowed and her tone sounded more nettled than before “I said don’t bring up the Patriarch” she hissed “I am the Chancellor, therefore I am head diplomat. I decide whether or not a proposal should be passed or not. Anyway, you’d need my signature for any pre-approved deals to pass through.” “It’s a chance I am unwilling to take. You could be carnivorous - you could want to eat us.” Innes shivered, thinking of how much skin she must have shown that day alone “So yes, I’m afraid there is still a threat.” “And yes, it would be hard for [i]you[/i] to mine up materials on a planet, gravity being as merciful to us as it is cruel to you. But you don’t exactly need to be there in person, do you, little miss use-robots-for-anything-I-can’t-do?” “And I for one am totally uncomfortable for a potentially hostile group of aliens to be so dang close to our system, even if it is just to pick up asteroids,” her eyes narrowed further, appraising Astra’s face for any signs of nervousness. “Another system would be perfectly sufficient. Why does it need to be ours?” She huffed at the military-is-government thing “What a perfectly foolish way of working. No philosophers, poets or writers. If you’re no good at fighting, you’re no good at anything. Very silly. “ But Astra did have her in a tight spot, no pun intended. If she was a true Admiral now, then any meeting could be thrown off by her personal desires. No, she would not let that happen. Any personal diplomacy with Astra should have no effect on her official standing as an ambassador for the Republic and the Knights. “Uh-uh. I’m not accepting that. I want to conduct a private meeting with the very tippy-top of the hierarchy - after all, you are a Rear Admiral, so surely there must be a reason why it is not straight-up Admiral. I don’t care if it’s an oligarchy, I want to meet the leader the same way you met Weyss.” She concluded, seemingly satisfied with her diplomacy skills. “Well tough luck, miss Innes, I [i]am[/i] part of the tip top, whether you like it or not. the differences between admirals come into play in military matters, but as leaders of the individual fleets, our votes are equal in the decision making. And see, the more you talk trash about us, the more inclined I am to sitting you on a shuttle, sending you home, collapsing the jump node behind us and leaving you blissfully alone as you seem to wish and work hard to achieve.” the Admiral barked back. One warning wasn’t enough, not the sinnsyk gone and made comments about their government? Good relations be damned, the chancellor apparently did not wish for them to remain good. And she can sign it herself if she so wishes. Damn! She had her right where she wanted her! Whatever, it was like talking to theocrats. They ganged up in numbers, but on their own they swiftly fell apart. “I reserve the right to comment on appropriate political structures as I wish, miss Astra. “ she said floridly “If I notice that a certain structure will do badly, then it would just be bad manners to not point out the flaws, would it not?” That seemed like a good answer, and it was said with an air of practiced grace - it was a line she had used before. “So very well, you’ll get your wish, I’ll summon the admiralty. I won’t be there because I consider you a lost cause, but you only need to convince three out of the five of us to agree with you anyway. I am done talking diplomacy with you without their presence, whether in person or over long range. You can schedule those with Captain Libra when you desire. And if you want to see me in private manner, I suggest you think twice of what you say. Apology would be a good place to start. That would be all, madam chancellor. Good day.” Astra finished, her patience running out. She turned around and gone back to her desk, intending to return to work.But she thought of one other thing to do, desperate to end the talk on that topic once and for all. Turning back around, she grabbed a hold of Innes’ hand and gave her finger a lick. “PFFFFTHA!” she grimaced. Well that was one of the most horrible tastes she ever had to suffer. What were the sinnsyk made of, carbon compounds? No wonder… “Ugh, I can say with certainty that eating you is in no way a viable option.” Astra said, shaking her head and reaching for a package she had on her table. “Care to test our cuisine?” she said, opening the pack and letting a few silver spheres fall out on her palm. “Pure silicon. That’s what’s best for us - purified metal! Don’t bite too hard.” she snickered, certain Innes’ puny little teeth would break if she tried. Innes looked at Astra. Then at her finger. Then at Astra again. Out of sheer curiosity, she brought the finger Astra had tasted up to her mouth - and licked it herself. “Blegh” she said, much more calm that Astra was “Tastes like soapwort and… something vaguely sweet” she trailed off at the end, eyes going wide. Bury the issue, Innes. If you ask questions, bad things will happen. “Um… yeah, I see your point” she said, going bright red. Oh gods, why did she say that out loud? “Just don’t get your spit on me again…” But when Astra brought out the metal balls, she took it as a challenge. It was an assault on her pride. It would be craven not to at least make an attempt to try one of the metal balls. Picking it up in her hand, she checked it carefully. It was cold and smooth, and not the least bit soft. But still, this was a matter of pride! If she backed out now, she would look like a chicken. “F-fine! I’ll try one of the bloody things” she said, with quite a bit more ferocity than was probably intended. Then, she put the ball into her mouth, rolling it around her tongue. It was metallic and tough and she didn’t even try to bite it. Instead, she did the next best thing - she swallowed it whole. It was hard going down her throat, but eventually she managed to get it down. When she was done, she opened her mouth to show it was gone. “There. Let it never be said I spit rather than swallow…” she moaned. She was going to regret that decision later, she knew. Shaking her head, she got back on track. What had she said? Something about diplomacy… Oh yeah, that she would arrange the meeting and didn’t want to see her again. Wait, what? “So this is it then?” she tried hard not to let her voice quiver, but it started wobbling anyway. “V-very well then. If that is what you wish. I’ll see you later, I guess…” With her head hung in shame, the Chancellor made her way to the door. “It has been an honour, Rear Admiral. May life treat you well.” Before Innes could leave, Astra’s hand on her shoulder stopped her. Curses. Did she have to make that face and make Astra feel terrible about herself despite being in the right? Just look at her! She looked as happy as a basket of dead kittens. “I said don’t come to me with work related stuff. We can still talk about the usual, you know. Just.. .do me a favor and don’t ‘point out flaws’ as you put it, and we’ll be cool.” Innes looked decidedly more cheerful, but still utterly miserable. In fact, she did a gorgeous pantomime of a girl who had just had hope inflamed in her heart again. “So you’re not mad at me?” “Oh actually I am absolutely livid, but I came to realize you talk a lot faster than you think and I have to take you with a grain of salt.” Astra said, a cheeky smile appearing on her face as she mouthed the word ‘Airhead’ silently. [i]And let’s not talk about sweet things either. Note to self: Scrub the security feeds. If that recording got out… oh my days.[/i] Innes was too happy to be irritated “Oh, screw you. It’s a medical condition.” she growled playfully “Speaking of medical conditions, you might have something wrong with your mouth. My finger tasted funny. It tasted kind of sweet. Back home, spittle tastes sweeter when one is aroused...” Innes grinned, practically reading Astra’s thoughts and deciding a little bit of toying wouldn’t go amiss. “Yeah, Diagnosis: You’re a loon. And I am sure it is your finger at fault. I am perfect.” the admiral said with over-exasperated narcissistic tone blatantly hinting she meant that in jest. “Oh and don’t act so sly, neither of us wants to even think of what your church would do to you if they caught a wind of just how hard you’re trying to bed me.” Astra shot back, certain she was starting a battle she couldn’t win - Innes was a lot better at playing with words than her, she would admit - but fleeing from the battle would be even more disgraceful. It had begun. Innes laughed evilly to herself in her head. Oh boy. Punishment. “Perfect… might be a bit of an over exaggeration.” she said with fluttering eyelashes. With a stare as intense as hers, it probably looked quite strange to see her blink so much in such a short space of time. “I, on the other hand, am a physical Goddess. I can tell - you told my finger so. With your tongue.” She said the last part rather pointedly. “Oh believe me I could give you a list of things on your appearance that could use some work, but I’m afraid i’d send you into one of your self loathing angry loony fits.” Astra poked verbally with an innocent face. “And hey, all I was doing was trying to get you out of one. It’s you who keeps fueling the idea that it’s anything more. Don’t you have somebody back home? You know, of [i]your species[/i]?” “You seem to be under the impression,” Innes began in a diplomatic tone “that my purpose here is exclusively to get you into bed. That’s not my priority. The first thing I’m after is a mutually beneficial agreement between our two nations that will help the both of us in the long run. Then it is to stabilize the Paardveid region, then to find a way to involve you in a mutual romantic relationship [i]then[i/], maybe, we can talk about sleeping arrangements. Fourth down the list, not bad.” Innes counted her objectives on her fingers, then shot Astra a questioning look “But, I get it, you’re not interested in girls or aliens, or you’re devoted to your work, or whatever. and I’m perfectly happy being unable to make any further progress towards my goals.” She tried to say it with a straight face, but her voice caught at the end, hinting that this issue was perhaps more important to her than she was letting on. “Ah ah AH! No work talk!” Astra said with a raised finger. “And here I was keeping the hope alive that I could get you to talk about another topic. How shallow are you?” Astra shot back, leaning back in her seat provocatively. “And you’ll find out that I can also be very stubborn about some topics, so do yourself a favor and bump me down on the list.” she recommended with a rather rude gesture that Innes however wouldn’t be able to translate. Her console pinged and Astra looked at what it wanted. “Ah! Your request has gone through. The admiralty can meet you in roughly 48 hours sans me and Sola who is occupied in the Nebula with… Oh, iiiinteresting. I might have to join her on this one.” Astra said as she read the report of what was happening back home. “Anyway, you only need to get those other three to agree anyway.” “H-Hey! I object to that! I have other focuses and all, you just.. seem to take up most of my thoughts, is all.” the Chancellor sighed, unable to decide whether to be disappointed or angry. “Hmph. Anyway, we both have more important things to think about.” “So wait, one of them won’t be there?” she said, open mouthed - and then she blew up. “THAT’S NOT FAIR! YOU GOT TO MEET THE WHOLE COUNCIL! THAT’S LIKE HAVING A MEETING WITHOUT VIGDIS OR TEMAIR OR SOMETHING!” “Hey! hey! I told you you could videoconference right now, you insisted on meeting in person. they have other things to do, like running their fleets you know? You should be glad they are meeting at all, probably because they also have other matters to discuss. and frankly, not meeting Temair or that one other person i can’t recall but who was blatantly uninterested in everything that went on might have actually done you a favor.” Astra snickered. “I suppose we could join you through the vidcomm anyway when it’s going on but something’s come up back home that can not be delayed. unless you would be OK meeting at later day?” Innes groaned through gritted teeth “If that’s the bloody best you can bloody do, I’ll bloody have to bloody go and bloody deal with the bloody best I’ve bloody got, do I bloody not? Fine, whatever. Go off and deal with the problem. But that’s just going to cause issues. If I can’t convince just one of them to see it my way, I’m hokey-poked. Gods be damned.” she was furious. One could almost see steam coming out of her ears. What the hell was that crap? If they don’t have time, MAKE time - as Gydja was always a fan of saying. “You bloody might be bloody overestimating of just how bloody much of a bloody importance you bloody are to them.” Astra shot back teasingly. “Anyway, that’s what you get. Take it or leave it.” the Faira said in a tone that meant she considered the issue closed. “Oh, and now you’re mocking me.” Innes tone suggested she was hurt. “Well, you’re a real flaming honey-trap, ain’t you? Ach, whatever. Yeah, fine, deal. Go ahead and set it up. I’m blo- absolutely beat. I need some sleep.” “Yeah I noticed you are getting reeeeaaaally cranky when you’re up a long time. Strange thing still that sleep of yours. I need to study that at some point. Would you object if I stuck a few electrodes to your head while you do?” Astra inquired with an angelic face trying to mask the mad scientist behind. “Electro- wha? What are you talking about? Do what the hell you want, as long as you don’t wake me up.” Innes yawned and stretched, then realised she was forgetting something “GAH! Alkheim be damned! My PJs!” for yes, throughout all of this, Innes’ pyjama top was lying still buttoned up on the floor. “S-sorry. Let me just get that…” She tried to walk over causally, but somehow wasn’t quite managing it. When she had it in her hands, she looked at Astra “So, can I conk out here? I have the awful feeling that if I try to go back to my room, I’m just going to pass out halfway there. And whilst you might not be interested, there are others who I’m not willing to give the benefit of the doubt to. You know, like Libra.” Gods, Innes was tired. How had she not noticed before? Some sort of rush from all the excitement? Just standing here made her feel drowsy and without waiting for an answer, she mumbled “Thanks” and sat down, dozing off almost the second her butt hit the floor. “Oh for the love of… No! I’d never live the rumors down. Chop chop! I’ll walk with you and drag you to your room if I have to. You might actually be onto something there with the good captain. I’ve known her for some time and she has a bit… extravagant tastes.” the admiral said with a knowing grin, hoping to spook the soul out of Innes with that one. But Innes wasn’t listening. She was already halfway to dreamland, using her knees as a pillow. She still had her top in her hands. Frowning, Astra did the only thing she could think of. She slowly lowered Innes to the ground and put her top on, before unceremoniously slinging her over her shoulders and hauling her tiny Sinnsyk frame to her room. Fortunately the suit was giving her the needed boost, otherwise she might have had a bit of a problem. Slowly dumping the body on the strange, soft bed, Astra briefly wondered whether to go ahead and capitalize on that offer, but she guessed there would be many more downtime periods when she could do so. “Good night.” she said and left the room.