"Captain! the ship has been sighted!" the runner said to Alex and Grady. Now or never, Alex had to lead the show. "Right, gather the boys." He replied to the runner. "Captain, if you'd be so kind as to meet me on deck." Alex said with a smile, as he broke into a brisk walk. He stopped at his favorite supply closet and found his favorite bottle of liquid courage. He took a swig of rum, and brought it with him topside, and left his goggles in the closet behind. Alex stepped onto the deck as the [i]Aleph Null[/i] was on it's final approach to the [i]Bdylegmia[/i]. Alex tossed the bottle to the nearest man, who took a swig and passed it down the line. He paced back and forth in front of the men for a second. His blond hair streaming in the wind. He had to shout to be heard. "Alright you whoresons! When we hit, drop the planks! Afterwards! You lot! With the blundergusts, I want you to clear that fucking deck!" Alex turned to look at the rapidly approaching ship. "Alright lads!" Alex said turning around, smiling wickedly. The two ships collided, and some men lost their footing. Alexander Van Williams was determined to lead from the front and walked forward, firing his pistol at the other deck. He reached forward and dropped the first plank, as deck hands dropped the others. He didn't have time to shout, before the group with Blundergusts fired blindly at the opposing deck, laying a wide swath of death, clearing the deck for scant seconds. Alex drew his saber. "Do you want to live forever?!" He shouted, as he leaped onto the plank and charged across. He dropped down and cut through the belly of the first man he saw, and fired one of his two mancrushers at the next, leveling him. Alexander was everywhere on the deck these first few moments, first gaining a bloody foothold with the boarding party, before they did the feint and started to fall back. Alex heard Grady's bellowed command, and echoed it. He had sheathed his saber, and was working with pistols now. It was hardwork keeping them all reloaded, but the boys were doing their job well, and bought him time to take cover. Alex was sitting behind a barrel, reloading his mancrusher, when he heard the first heavy 'Wooosh'. Confused, Alex rose up, and fired at the Fireater, just as Grady bellowed it. He looked down at his pistol, up, and then ducked. Alexander drew his long knife, stood up, and vaulted over the barrel. He sprinted forward several steps. If the fireeater just kept looking at the sails, it'd be fine. Then he turned. Alex dropped to his knees and slid into cover, as a wash of fire burst around it. He crouched as tight as he could, trying to make himself as small a target as possible.